Maple 2021 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2021

I have

f:=a^6*o + a^5*i + a^4*u + a^3*q + a^2*t + a


f1:=7*a^6*p + 6*a^5*o + 5*a^4*i + 4*a^3*u + 3*a^2*q + 2*a*t + 1

I want to divide two functions f/f1 to produce a result.

a^2*t+ a^3*(-2*t^2 + 2*q)+ a^4*(4*t^3 - 7*t*q + 3*u)(-8*t^4 + 20*t^2*q - 6*q^3 - 10*t*u + 4*i)*a^5+a^6*(16*t^5 - 52*t^3*q + 33*t*q^3 + 28*t^2*u - 13*i*t - 17*u*q + 5*o)+O(a^7)


I have tried collect and asympt, the result is not satisfactory.


Hi guys ,


I have the equation dt=(L/r)*(1 - a^3/r^3)^(-1/2) dr which want to integrate on both side and then solve in terms of r.(L and a are constants). I know the answer (r=a (cosh(3t/2*L)^2/3),but it seems maple can not produce it!


Mathematical almost compute it corectly! altough i think  tanh-1, should be cosh^-1(x/a)^3/2


I would appreciate if someone can help me




Thanks so

Why does Maple write



Update 3 years later

FYI, The above bug is still present in Maple 2024



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.0, Windows 10, March 01 2024 Build ID 1794891`



x-infinity = 0




I've send a bug report to Maplesoft also.

Any one has smart way to help verify this Maple solution to this ODE? I can't figure it out

ode:=diff(y(x),x)-y(x) = x*y(x)^(1/2):
ic:= y(0)=4:
the_diff_1:=odetest( (lhs-rhs)(maple_sol)=0,[ode,ic]);

the_diff_2:=odetest( (lhs-rhs)(maple_sol)=0,[ode,ic]);

Tried few simplifications but not everything. I am assuming Maple solution is correct.

Maple 2021.1


This 'quirk' of Maple behaviour cropped up when I was considering solutions for the question posted here

where the OP had "poorly structured" data which meant it was a bit "awkward" to access required fields. A number of more-or-less satisfactory solution were proposed, and the OP seems happy


The Issue

One possible way to solve the original problem would be to restructure the data as a DataFrame. The "natural" way to do this would be to use numeric row indexes.. Note that these row indexes are not contiguous, and are in no particular order. However using this approach means that accessing fields from the dataframe is not consistent.

Sometimes the supplied row label is interpreted as a 'label', sometimes it is interpreted as the "row number". It appears that the latter interpretation is preferentially used

I can't make up my mind whether to call this a "bug" or not, but I can see the inconsistent interpretation resulting in chaos.

Before submitting an SCR I'd like to know if anyone else sees this as a bug

Consider the code

# data
  S := [`206` = Record(mu = 508.001018040,  sigma = 125.002863204708),
          `4` = Record(mu = 1008.001018040, sigma = 167.707232430134),
          `2` = Record(mu = 1208.001018040, sigma = 141.512246146314),
          `5` = Record(mu = 808.001018040,  sigma = 117.156800098735)
# Construct the above as a dataframe - note row labels are numbers!
  DF:= DataFrame( Matrix([seq( [rhs(j):-mu, rhs(j):-sigma], j in S)]),
                  rows= [seq( parse( lhs(j) ), j in S)],
                  columns=[mu, sigma]
  DF[206, mu];
  DF[2, mu];  ## Errr No!
  DF[5, sigma];
               [           mu             sigma      ]
               [                                     ]
               [206  508.001018040   125.002863204708]
               [                                     ]
         DF := [ 4   1008.001018040  167.707232430134]
               [                                     ]
               [ 2   1208.001018040  141.512246146314]
               [                                     ]
               [ 5   808.001018040   117.156800098735]




Note that DF[2, mu] outputs the entry from the second row - not the one from the row labelled with the number 2

I imagina a similar issue would occur with numeric column indexes, although I haven't tried this




How do I setup solve to find only the real and imaginary part of Zeta to be both positive and the real part of Zeta to be the smallest positive value? For example: real part = 1.348412872 and imaginary part = 0.04230725448.

Acceleration ratio (db) and phase (deg). Convert ratio to linear and phase to radian. 
dat := <14.52407334|-162.1310124>:
A := 10^(dat[1]/20.):
phi := dat[2]*Pi/180.:
R:= 0.3036:
Characteristic equation Eqn 5
f := (Zeta,A,phi) -> cos(Zeta) - R * Zeta * sin(Zeta) - exp(-phi * I)/A:

soln := [solve(f(Zeta,A,phi), Zeta)]:

Textbook gives this nice short implicit solution for this ode


But Maple does not give an implicit solution

ode:=diff(y(x),x) = 2*(2*y(x)-x)/(x+y(x));

Removing implicit gives very complicated solution as it tries to solve for y(x).


Any suggestion or a trick or a different approach to make Maple generate the same solution given in the textbook?

ps. manually, it is possible to obtain the same solution as book as follows

ode:=diff(y(x),x) = 2*(2*y(x)-x)/(x+y(x));


edit june 14,2021

I found a direct way to get an implicit solution which is close enough to book solution. It is by using Lie symmetry method

ode:=diff(y(x),x) = 2*(2*y(x)-x)/(x+y(x));
sol:=dsolve([ode,ic], y(x),'implicit','Lie');

Another variant which gives book solution but requires one extra step

ode:=diff(y(x),x) = 2*(2*y(x)-x)/(x+y(x));
sol:=dsolve([ode,ic], y(x),'implicit','Lie',way=all,fat);
simplify(exp( (lhs-rhs)(sol)))=1

ps. corrected above now, thanks to comment below by Carl.

Maple 2021.1




In worksheet mode, when typing only the first 3 letters of the command piecewise, the command completion popup shows and I can hit TAB to have it automatically complete which is nice since I always makes typos tying this command


When when I wanted to get help on the same command, I have to type 5 letters now before the popup shows to help me complete the command


Why is that? I would have expected the same 3 letters to be enough, as I assume Maple is smart enough to notice this.

Here is a movie to illustrate. This is Maple 2021.1 on windows 10


I have a list of objects. Each object contains many fields, one of these fields happened to be a solution to an ode.

At the end of solving the ODE, I'd like to remove all objects which contain the same solution. 

I can not do the normal trick in Maple to remove duplicates from a list, which is to convert the list to a set and let Maple automatically remove duplicates because in this case each entry in the list is an object of many fields and hence each object is always different. 

I only want to remove the objects from the list which has the same specific field.

Currently what I do is the following:   Do a first scan, and loop over all entries in the list to find the duplicates. Each time I find a duplicate solution, mark a field in the object as it is being duplicate.

Then do another scan at the end, to build a new list, which only adds those objects not marked as duplicates.

It works, but was wondering if Maple or someone might have better suggestion or more elegent way to do this.

In this MWE I am using a list and adding objects to it making it grow dynamically. I know it would be better to use Array, but for now I'd like to stick to a list, since the number of solutions is normally small. May be in the future I will change the list to Array to avoid building a list dynamically.

This example code builds a list of 5 objects

    option object;
    export sol:=NULL; #only ONE solution here.  
    export stuff;
    export mark_to_delete:=false;
end module:

SOL::list:=[]:  #where to keep the objects

for n from 1 to 5 do
    if n=3 then

In the above, I made 4 objects to have same solution which is y(x)=0 and one different. The goal is to remove all objects from the list which has duplicate solutions and keep only one copy.

for n from 1 to numelems(SOL) do
    print("sol ", n , "  is ", SOL[n]:-sol);  

And this is how currently I remove the duplicates

for n from 1 to numelems(SOL) do
    for m from n+1 to numelems(SOL) do
        if is(SOL[n]:-sol=SOL[m]:-sol) and not SOL[m]:-mark_to_delete then
           print("found duplicate at ",m);

#now make new pass to keep the non- duplicates
for n from 1 to numelems(SOL) do
    if not SOL[n]:-mark_to_delete then


for n from 1 to numelems(new_SOL) do
    print("sol ", n , "  is ", new_SOL[n]:-sol);  

Does there exist a better option in Maple (while still using a list?) to remove objects in list which have the same specific field?

Could you suggest a better method?

sometimes I get a solution to an ODE, where when I plugin the initial conditions to solve for the constant of integration, the solution by inspection can be seen to be infinity.

The constant of integration is allowed to be infinity.

But now I get no solution from solve and so my program rejects this solution and says the ode can't be solved because it can't find value for the constant of integration using this initial conditions.

I am not sure how to handle this, since Maple solve will not return an infinity as possible solution for the constant of integration. I tried different assumptions.  

This has to work for general, and not for this specific example I will show now.

Here is an ODE with IC


The general solution is easy to find since this is just separable. The problem is when I plugin the initial conditions. (again, this is done in a program, without looking at the screen). let consider the first solution above for now.

eq:=simplify(subs( [y(x)=0,x=0],sol[1]));

And here is the problem, when next I try to solve for the constant, Maple says no solution.

solve(eq,_C1,allsolutions=true) assuming _C1::real

No solution returned.

If Maple could return _C1=infinity, then I would plugin _C1=infinity and obtain the correct particular solution which is 

simplify(subs(_C1=infinity,sol[1])) assuming real

Which is what the smart dsolve command does


I do not know how Maple found the above and what algorithm it used.  

But my not too smart dsolve program gets stuck on such problems, because it can't solve for the IC.

Is there another method or option or assumptions to use, to solve such an equation and request infinity be returned as a solution?  I tried isolate(eq,_C1) but that did not work.  

One possible option to try as a last resource is to do this


And this gives 0=0

which means _C1=infinity is valid solution.  And I could do this as final attempt before giving up. Is this what Maple did? But how does one know to do this in general? Unless one tries and find out? i.e I could try limit(eq,_C1=infinity) and limit(eq,_C1=-infinity) and see if any one of these gives true (after doing  evalb or is  on the output)

Any suggestions or a better/more robust method to use for such cases? I need to use the method for any equation where infinity can be a solution for the constant of integration. It will always be one equation and one variable, and can assume all are real for now if it makes it easier.



I was wondering why dsolve do not show this one solution I obtained different way, for this ode.

Maple gives 6 solutions to the ODE. But 5 of them are signular (have no constant of integration in them). I am looking at the last solution it gives, the one with constant of integration. 

But when I solve this ODE, after simplifying it, I get different general solution than the last one Maple shows. I thought they might be equivalent, but I do not see how they could be. 

So my question is why Maple did not show the simpler solution also?  Here is the code

ode_orginal:=1/3*(-2*x^(5/2)+3*y(x)^(5/3))/x^(3/2)*diff(y(x),x)/y(x)^(5/3)+1/2*(2*x^(5/2)-3*y(x)^(5/3))/x^(5/2)/y(x)^(2/3) = 0;

This looks complicated and non-linear, but when I solve for y'(x) it gives much simpler and linear ODE (Have to convert the ODE to D before solving for diff(y(x),x), since Maple can complain otherwise).


And solving the above gives the much simpler solution


Now when using dsolve on the original complicated lookin ODE it gives


if there is any hope that one of the above 6 solutions will be the same as the simpler solution, it has to be the last one, with the _C1 in it, since all the others do not have _C1 (singular solutions).

But solving for y(x) from the last one does not give the simpler solution.

So it is a new general solution for the original ode and it is correct, since odetest gives zero.

I think in the process of solving for y'(x), some solutions got lost. Even though I asked for allsolutions there?.

But my main question is: Should dsolve have also have given the simpler solution? Since that one also satisfies the original nonlinear complicated ode


gives 0.

Maple 2021.1


I solved this ode with IC, and obtained a solution.  Maple odetest says my solution satisfies the ODE but not the initial conditions. But I do not see why. When I plugin manually the initial conditions into the solution, I get true.

So I am not sure what is going on.

ode:=x*diff(y(x),x)*y(x) = (x+1)*(y(x)+1);

#now check manually

Using odetest gives


What Am I doing wrong? 

Maple 2021.1


Edit June 12, 2021

This is another example where odetest gives different result depending on how the solution is written !

mysol_1:=y(x) = 1/9*x^2 - 2/9*x + 10/9:
mysol_2:=y(x) - (1/9*x^2 - 2/9*x + 10/9) = 0 :


I can't figure what is going on here. I have an expression, where when I run the program, I see inside the debugger that the result of evalb(simplify(tmp_1)) where tmp_1 is the expression, gives false

When I copy the same tmp_1 expression to new worksheet and do evalb(simplify(tmp_1)) it gives true.

I added print statements in the code to print tmp_1 and print result of simplify(tmp_1) and for some reason, it gives false when I run the program, but it gives true when I do the same thing in a work sheet, by copying tmp_1 and trying it there.

Never seen anything like this, as expression is all numbers. Here is the print out when I run the program

Here is the same thing in worksheet

tmp_1 :=-(2*ln(-2))/7 - ln(-1)/7 = ln(1) - (2*ln(-2))/7 - ln(-1)/7;


and if you think I made mistake somewhere, here is also screen shot from the debugger window itself


again, same thing gives true in separate worksheet, copying same exact expression from above

There seem to be something loaded when I run my program that causes this difference, but I have no idea now what it is.  This has nothing to do with the debugger loaded btw, I am just using the debugger to show the details. When I run the program, without the debugger, I get false for the above, and I was trying to find why.

Any suggestions what to try and what to check for and what could cause this? Should it not give true when I run the program also? Could it be some Digits setting changed when the program run? I do not change any system defaults of any sort when running the program. 

Maple 2020.1

edit june 12, 2021

Here is another manifestation of the same problem I just found. There is something seriously wrong for it to behave this way.

This is an expression called tmp_1 in a local variable in a proc inside a module. There are not even any local symbols in it. When I run the program, all the attempts to show it is true fail. Some give FAIL and some give false when the result should be true

When I simply copy the expression from the debugger window to an open worksheet, I get true

Here is the screen shot


Only when I did is(expand(tmp_1)) did it give true

But when I copy the expression to the worksheet, it gives true using all the other attempts:

tmp_1:=1 = 5/4*exp(0)+1/4*piecewise(0 <= 1,-1,1 < 0,exp(-2)):

I can't make a MWE so far, since these problems only show up with I run my large program. I think Maple internal memory get messed up or something else is loaded that causes these stranges problems.

For now, I added expand() to the things I should try. My current code now looks like

if is(tmp_1) or is(simplify(tmp_1)) or is((rhs-lhs)(tmp_1)=0)
               or is(simplify((rhs-lhs)(tmp_1)=0)) or evalb(simplify((rhs-lhs)(tmp_1)=0))
               or is(expand(tmp_1)) then    

Maple 2021.1



... and two suggestions to the development team

In ?DiscreteValueMap (package Statistics) it's given an example concerning rhe Geometric distribution along with this comment:
"The Geometric distribution is discrete but it necessarily assumes integer values, so (bold font is mine) it also does not have a DiscreteValueMap"

This sentence seems to indicate that "because a distribution is discrete over the set of integers, it cannot have a DiscreteValueMap", some sort of logical implication...

But my feeling is that the Geometric distribution (or any other discrete distribution) does not have a DiscreteValueMap because this attribute has just not been specified when defining the distribution.


GeomRV := RandomVariable(Geometric(1/2)):
f := unapply(ProbabilityFunction(GeomRV, n), n):

AnotherGeomRV := Distribution(
DiscreteValueMap(AnotherGeomRV , n);

Thus having the set of natural numbers as support doesn't imply that DiscreteValueMap cannot exist.

Suggestion 1: modify the ?DiscreteValueMap help page so that it no longer suggests that some discrete distributions cannot have a .DiscreteValueMap 


I think there exists a true problem with the definition of discrete distributions in Maple: the ProbabilityFunction of a (discrete) random variable) takes non zero values outside their definition set.
For instance

ProbabilityFunction(GeomRV, Pi);  # something non null

To ivercome this problem I defined a new Geometric distribution this way (not entirely satisfying):


GeomRV := RandomVariable(Geometric(1/2)):
f := unapply(ProbabilityFunction(GeomRV, n), n):
g := n -> (1-ceil(n-floor(n)))*f(n)    # (1-ceil(n-floor(n))) = 1 if n in Z, 0 otherwise

AnotherGeomRV := Distribution(
      'DiscreteValueMap'=(n->n),  # is wanted
ProbabilityFunction(AnotherGeomRV, 2);
ProbabilityFunction(AnotherGeomRV, Pi);

PS: None of the statistics based upon the  ProbabilityFunction (Mean, Variance, ... ) is correctly computed with the previous construction. This could be easily overcome by completing this definition, just as its done in Maple, for all the requires statistics, for instance 

AnotherGeomRV := Distribution(
      'Mean'=1   # or more generally (1-p)/p form Geometric(p)

Suggestion 2: modify the way discrete distributions are defined in Maple in order to avoid ProbabilityFunction to return wrong values.

I need to change any occurance of   anything*sqrt(anything)  to say Z in any large expression.  (later, I can add the correct replacement once I know how to do it for Z).

I can change   sqrt(anything) with the help of the answers in Substitution-Of-Sub-Expressions-Is  but not  anything*sqrt(anything)

Here is an example to make it clear. Given

expr:=(-x + sqrt(9*x^2*exp(2*c) + 8)*exp(-c)+99)/(4*x)+ (a*sqrt(z)-99+sin(c*sqrt(r+4)+20))/3+10+1/(c+exp(-x)*sqrt(exp(x)))+sqrt(h)

Need to all some transformation on  those subexpressions circled above. For now, lets say I wanted to replace them with so it should becomes this

I can do this


But I need to have the term (if any) that multiplies the sqrt as well included.

And that is the problem. Can't figure how to do it. When I try


Maple says Error, testing against an invalid type Ok. So anything*anything^({1/2,-1/2}) is not a type. What to do then?  Tried also subsindets(expr,t::anything*anything^({1/2,-1/2}),ee->Z) same error


applyrule(t1::anything*sqrt(t0::anything)=Z, expr);

gives  which is wrong.

How to make this work in Maple using subsindets? Can one use pattern with subsindets? How to make a type for


Maple 2021.1


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