Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

Hello everyone,

There is a problem that I cannot solve (I just learnt Maple's language one day ago and I'm not a programmer):

I wrote a procedure which asks the user to enter any number of (x,y)  pairs and then calculate some polynomials between x_i and x_(i+1) for  i=1..nargs/2-1.

Then I want to combine these pieces of polynomials as a  piecewise defined function. Can anyone tell me how I can do it? In 



i ve to animate a function with maple. but my animation "vanishes" after some time so i wonder what i did wrong

my function f (x,y,t) = sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2-t))/sqrt(x^2+y^2-1)

this is how i tried it:

f := (x,y,t)->(sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2-t))/(sqrt(x^2+y^2+1)));
plots:-animate(plot3d, [f(x,y,t), x=-10..10,y=-10..10], t=-100..190);

if you let the animation run the animation starts to vanish, what am i doing wrong

Is there a way for maple to display an answer with a set order?  or set it so it always does it a certain way.

As an example, lets take eq1:=a=(v-vo)/t then solve(eq1,{v});  (I put the v in {} so the answer will display the full equation).  Without the {} it only displays the answer.  Anyways, the answer returned is {v=a*t+vo

I would like to manipulate it so that maple will always display an equation with a single variable first.  So, for in our example I would like it shown as  v=vo+a*t

Hello everyone,

There is a problem that I cannot solve (I just learnt Maple's language one day ago and I'm not a programmer):






Anyway to tell maple not to reply 0 if x value is unknown ?




I have made some code using lists. At some points maple answers with a memory error, telling me to "try using Array instead". Ok tried, and it works better (with some code rewrited, as Array argument values are not duplicated)

But searching in help/doc/forums for size limitations of maple objects i find nothing. Where can i find such informations ?


Basically if we have a:=x^2 and I subs(x=b/c,a) we get b^2/c^2. 

How do I get maple to display it as (b/c)^2?

Sometimes I do stupid things like: a := Generate(set(integer(range=1..999999999999), 1000000))); Because of the ";" the result is that Maple quickly generates the set but then locks up and spends about 10 minutes trying to display the contents. Clicking the "abort computation" button doesn't help after the result has been calculated. Is there any other way to get maple to abort in such a case? If not is there a way to stop it from displaying lists of more than say 10000 elements? PS.


In the programme I am writing, we need to multiply axb with "a" being an integer, but found as a product of 2 matrices, and "b" being a 3x1 matrix. Currently I receive the message "Error, (in rtable/Product) invalid arguements" with the following code, can anyone help?


I have a problem with my coursework.

Here it is: how to generate a random data points (xk,yk) for k=1,2,3,...30

I know how to do  (more or less) the rest of the task but to generate this points no way!"!! Please anyone can help me???




Hi all,

I am doing some research requiring solving a system of differential equations.

Excuse me for my English, I'm Dutch)    

I have a excersice I have to make in Maple, but i don't have a clue on how to do it. I will just type it here and see what the response is.

If somebody has the Calculus book written by James Stewart, it's the "Discovery Project" on page 1040..

The figure shows the solid enclosed by three circular cylinders with the same diameter that intersect at right angles/ In this project we compute its volume and determine how its shape changes if the cylinders have different diameters.

Hi, I'm trying to find the steady states of a pair of ODEs and have used the code below but i get the message "warning, solutions may have been lost".


> restart;

> with(LinearAlgebra);

> f := (u, v) -> (u*(1-u))-a*(u*v/(v+u);

> g := (u, v) -> b*v(a(u/(v+u))-d);

> du := diff(u(t), t) = f(u(t), v(t));

> dv := diff(v(t), t) = g(u(t), v(t));

> steadystates := solve({f(u, v) = 0, g(u, v) = 0}, {v, u});

Warning, solutions may have been lost


Here is a problem that cause me trouble in Maple.  Maybe it's a careless mistake, or worst, a mathematical mistake (hope not).  Can someone can help me?

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I have some difficulties with the transfert function of a circuit. After a lot of simplification I find this equation:

R*C*diff(v(t),t)+v(t)=i(t) with R=K / i(t)

I have never seen this kind of equation before, I hope someone could help me, google is un-useful to this.
Then, I would solve this for a heavyside and sinusoidale current. How can I make a heavyside with maple ?


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