155 Reputation

6 Badges

4 years, 205 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by AHSAN

Hi experts, I know built in command to solve definite integral by using simpson and trapezoidal rule but i need to show step which is given in the example to satisfy his students of grade 12. Please help me to solve this example

Could any one please guide me how to show this solution by using Newton Raphson method. I need to show this solution step by step as shown in example.

Hi Community, I have solved the some basic expression by using built in command to get solution. Now i am interested to view the solution stp by step to show  my students of grade 10.


t := x^6+2*x^5-3*x+2+(2*x^6-4*x+8)



p := 2*x^2-x-10






s := 2*x^2-x-10



solve(s = 0, {x})

{x = 5/2}, {x = -2}


sqrt(x-4) = 4

(x-4)^(1/2) = 4


solve(sqrt(x-4) = 4, {x})

{x = 20}


s := (x^2-9)/(x^2-2*x-15)













Solving a system of equations:

x+2*y = 4

x+2*y = 4


3*x+4*y = 6

3*x+4*y = 6


solve({x+2*y = 4, 3*x+4*y = 6}, {x, y})

{x = -2, y = 3}


abs(3*x+3) = 12

3*abs(x+1) = 12



solve(abs(3*x+3) = 12, {x})

{x = 3}, {x = -5}



Download Help_to_view_solution_step_by_step.mw

I am trying to vopy paste a table of 10*20 from maple sheet to ms word but failed. His their any special way of copying tables from maple sheet to ms word without formating chnages?

Need help to plot a graph along x-axis  in attached worksheet. 


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