155 Reputation

6 Badges

4 years, 328 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by AHSAN

Could any one please guide me how to show this solution by using Newton Raphson method. I need to show this solution step by step as shown in example.

Hi Community, I have solved the some basic expression by using built in command to get solution. Now i am interested to view the solution stp by step to show  my students of grade 10.


t := x^6+2*x^5-3*x+2+(2*x^6-4*x+8)



p := 2*x^2-x-10






s := 2*x^2-x-10



solve(s = 0, {x})

{x = 5/2}, {x = -2}


sqrt(x-4) = 4

(x-4)^(1/2) = 4


solve(sqrt(x-4) = 4, {x})

{x = 20}


s := (x^2-9)/(x^2-2*x-15)













Solving a system of equations:

x+2*y = 4

x+2*y = 4


3*x+4*y = 6

3*x+4*y = 6


solve({x+2*y = 4, 3*x+4*y = 6}, {x, y})

{x = -2, y = 3}


abs(3*x+3) = 12

3*abs(x+1) = 12



solve(abs(3*x+3) = 12, {x})

{x = 3}, {x = -5}



Download Help_to_view_solution_step_by_step.mw

I am trying to vopy paste a table of 10*20 from maple sheet to ms word but failed. His their any special way of copying tables from maple sheet to ms word without formating chnages?

Need help to plot a graph along x-axis  in attached worksheet. 


Hi, is it possible to convert mathematica files into maple. i was trying to upload mathematica file here but got failed, so uploading mathematica file into pdf. could anyone can help me to convert these file into maple.


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