
770 Reputation

11 Badges

5 years, 21 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

Just wanted to post that I had some data loss because I opened two different workbooks with the same name from different locations.

This could lead to loss of data.

I had code attachments from the "old" workbook implemented in the "new" workbook, while the new code was gone.

Has somebody experienced something like that before?

I was searching for a bug in a sheet, and was absolute unable to find out why some results in a sheet were different from another sheet.

Found out that it actually was a pure graphics problem. With normal zoom (100%) the minus signum is not visible.

Blowing up the zoom to 125% shows the signum again.

I can't move files in the navigator window anymore in Maple 2021.2.

Anyone else with the same problems?

Are there any informations about a potential vulnerability in Maple due to the Log4j bug?

Maple is running on Java...

From the help file in StringTools - Split:

There is no information about how this is done, though.

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