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5 years, 126 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

Why do I get an error when using this:/// during readin of a xml attachment in Maple workbook?

Exceltools Import works without problems.

Any idea why the result of the FirstChild function of the attached file is

_XML_Text("\n  ")

I also miss a more complete example on Maple Help for writing, reading and processing xml files.

Just wonder about the status of the public folder in Maple Cloud.

I've tried to upload a file there, but got the reply that the uploaded file is going to be reviewed first. That was end of july.

Sorting files after date shows that the last upload was done in october 2019. Content unknown as it that was in chinese (probably).

It's not really important to me, as I can always find another site to upload stuff, just wondering.

Question regarding output formatting of xml files.

The WriteFile command writes the xmldocument / xmltree out to a file completly, and closes the file. The backdraw is that it isn't formatted nicely.

The PrintToFile command writes out nicely formatted, but the file isn't closed. And the XMLProcessingInstruction is also missing.

If I use Print(xmltree) before the writefile command, I get an error (not a xmltree anymore).

So how do I get nicely formatted XML files?

Are there any examples of worksheets / workbooks that have a file open / save dialogue box?

I'm playing around trying to save data from a worksheet, and would like to have a dialogue box where the user can pick a directory and a name for storing the data.

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