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5 years, 3 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

I'm trying to upload a file to Maple Cloud for the first time, but I am getting an error due to the way I use libraries.

The first lines of the startup code in the sheet look like this.

libname := "S:/Maple/NODE_Library", libname;

The libraries are on a network drive on our server.

The question is - how can I solve this? Would it be better to somehow upload those libraries to Maple Cloud (no idea how to do that by the way), or can it be solved in a different way?

When pressing !!! (Execute entire worksheet) it seems to me that startup code is executed.

Is that correct, and if - why is that so?

Got a problem related to values written to a library. One of the values somehow gets lost, and I wonder if I did the definition correct.

The specific problem is, that I have defined a table with an index. The value of mytable["hello"] seems to be missing when reading the library.

Being an absolut newbie to Maple I find some of the functions a bit strange and difficult.

One of the things is e.g. rounding numbers.

In Pyton and other languages it is quite simple and straightforward when rounding a number.

round(number, digits)

If you have digits = 0 then you get an integer, otherwise you get a number with the number of digits chosen.

In Maple the round function is just for rounding to an integer.

To round to something else currently I don't really know what I would use. There is the evalf function, which one can use like evalf[digits](number), but that doesn't give you the value with digits. It gives you a number with significant digits, which means, also including the numbers before the comma delimiter.

round(15.76543,2) = 15.77

evalf[2](15.76543) = 16

Wouldn't it be much easier to expand the functionality of the round function in Maple?



Got a question regarding numeric indices in tables. Apparently every index in a table is considered alfanumeric, which means that 90 is not the same as 90.0. 

Or test["text", 90] is not the same as test["text", 90.0].

Here's the example.

Apparently I will need to do some numeric formatting before using the numbers as indices for the table, right?

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