
860 Reputation

11 Badges

5 years, 149 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

Please excuse this newbie question - but any idea what's wrong with this procedure?

I also wonder how text indent and formatting is done in Maple? Are there any tricks, or is it just doing formatting that it look good.

Last thing - what's the best procedure to post questions like this? Is it just attaching a short code example in original Maple file, or do I copy & paste as text?


Warning, premature end of input, use <Shift> + <Enter> to avoid this message.


assign('`f__t,90,k`', Property(Class, "f_t,90,k"));
       assign('`f__c,0,k`', Property(Class, "f_c,0,k"));
     assign('`f__c,90,k`', Property(Class, "f_c,90,k"));
     assign('`f__v,k`', Property(Class, "f_v,k"));
     assign('`f__r,k`', Property(Class, "f_r,k"));
     assign('`E__0,mean`', Property(Class, "E_0,mean"));
     assign('`E__0,05`', Property(Class, "E_0,05"));
     assign('`E__90,mean`', Property(Class, "E_90,mean"));
     assign('`E__90,0,05`', Property(Class, "E_90,0,05"));
     assign('`G__mean`', Property(Class, "G_mean"));
     assign('`G__0,05`', Property(Class, "G_0,05"));
     assign('`G__r,mean`', Property(Class, "G_r,mean"));
     assign('`G__r,0,05`', Property(Class, "G_r,0,05"));
     assign('`rho__k`', Property(Class, "rho_k"));
     assign('`rho__mean`', Property(Class, "rho_mean"))

Error, reserved word `end` unexpected





We are in the very beginning of implementation of Maple in our office, and are trying to write the first programs.

For the moment we are building a material database, starting from Excel, and generating a Maple library out of that. Afterwards we are going to pull the data from the library, and show it in a nice output.

We've so far managed to write the library, but we are running into problems with variable names.

In Maple 2D notation a variable with indexes including a comma is no problem. My specific problem is, how can I use those variables in a program in Maple 1D notation.

Here are some examples of variables which are relevant.

Need some help building a worksheet where I try to populate a listbox with items from a package / library.

Starting point could be the "Simply Supported Beam Design" example from MapleSoft Application Center (

In this example, profiles are defined from the AISC Steel Shapes Database.

  1. I would like to have a list of the defined properties of the package / library.
  2. I would like to have a list of all available profiles.


I'd like to populate a listbox from elements of a matrix, but need some help.

I created an empty listbox with name ListBox0, and try to add a name from the matrix.

DataSet := Matrix(3, 3, [[Tim, 21, 80], [Tom, 23, 86], [Tinker, 25, 90]])


SetProperty("ListBox0", DataSet[1, 1])

We've just decided to jump from Mathcad to Maple, and are doing our very first steps with Maple.

Our company is a small sized engineering company (15 employees), and what I am looking for is a bit help to make a working company setup.

This includes in the first run - how do I create and tell Maple where to find those items?

  • Templates with company logo
  • Programs and packages
  • Are there any configuration variables that can / should be set?
  • Are there any other common files that can be made accessible for all on a common network server?
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