
770 Reputation

11 Badges

5 years, 2 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

Is it possible to put 2D math text on Text Area or Label components?

Like greek alpha, beta, or more complex expressions.

Sorry to bother you with another very basic question.

This very simple example shows that Maple gives the first value that is defined back, ignoring changes further down the definition chain.

Could someone explain why, and if there is a way to always get the updated values?


m := Matrix(2, 2, {(1, 1) = 1, (1, 2) = 3, (2, 1) = 2, (2, 2) = 4})

Matrix(%id = 18446745932232999750)


a := 1



b := m[a, 1]



a := 2






m[2, 1]






Please excuse this newbie question - but any idea what's wrong with this procedure?

I also wonder how text indent and formatting is done in Maple? Are there any tricks, or is it just doing formatting that it look good.

Last thing - what's the best procedure to post questions like this? Is it just attaching a short code example in original Maple file, or do I copy & paste as text?


Warning, premature end of input, use <Shift> + <Enter> to avoid this message.


assign('`f__t,90,k`', Property(Class, "f_t,90,k"));
       assign('`f__c,0,k`', Property(Class, "f_c,0,k"));
     assign('`f__c,90,k`', Property(Class, "f_c,90,k"));
     assign('`f__v,k`', Property(Class, "f_v,k"));
     assign('`f__r,k`', Property(Class, "f_r,k"));
     assign('`E__0,mean`', Property(Class, "E_0,mean"));
     assign('`E__0,05`', Property(Class, "E_0,05"));
     assign('`E__90,mean`', Property(Class, "E_90,mean"));
     assign('`E__90,0,05`', Property(Class, "E_90,0,05"));
     assign('`G__mean`', Property(Class, "G_mean"));
     assign('`G__0,05`', Property(Class, "G_0,05"));
     assign('`G__r,mean`', Property(Class, "G_r,mean"));
     assign('`G__r,0,05`', Property(Class, "G_r,0,05"));
     assign('`rho__k`', Property(Class, "rho_k"));
     assign('`rho__mean`', Property(Class, "rho_mean"))

Error, reserved word `end` unexpected





We are in the very beginning of implementation of Maple in our office, and are trying to write the first programs.

For the moment we are building a material database, starting from Excel, and generating a Maple library out of that. Afterwards we are going to pull the data from the library, and show it in a nice output.

We've so far managed to write the library, but we are running into problems with variable names.

In Maple 2D notation a variable with indexes including a comma is no problem. My specific problem is, how can I use those variables in a program in Maple 1D notation.

Here are some examples of variables which are relevant.

Need some help building a worksheet where I try to populate a listbox with items from a package / library.

Starting point could be the "Simply Supported Beam Design" example from MapleSoft Application Center (

In this example, profiles are defined from the AISC Steel Shapes Database.

  1. I would like to have a list of the defined properties of the package / library.
  2. I would like to have a list of all available profiles.


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