
669 Reputation

11 Badges

20 years, 39 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are Posts that have been published by edgar

W := (81/539)*42^(1/2)*hypergeom([-1/2, 3/8, 169/88], [81/88, 19/8], -1/6): evalf(W,50); 0.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999996 Show W is 1
Maple 12, Mac OS 10.5 see "invalid character ..." messages! . . How about other platforms?
I have a Maple program (involves 20 or 30 procedures) that frequently results in "Cannot allocate memory". I assume the remember table for one of the procs is balooning. Is there a good way to find out which one it is? Something like... get a list of all the user-defined procs, then show their sizes (including remember table) ... ?
This works in Maple 10, but fails (see below) in Maple 11...

> pp := -exp(x)+kk[1]*log(x)+kk[2]*x+kk[3]*log(log(x))+kk[4]*exp(x);

> vv := {kk[1], kk[2], kk[3], kk[4]};

is(f@(g@h) = (f@g)@h); true is(f@(g@g)=(f@g)@g); false In the first, both sides come out as `@`(f,g,h) In the second, we get `@`(f,`@@`(g,2)) and `@`(f,g,g) which no longer match for "is"
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