
669 Reputation

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20 years, 49 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are replies submitted by edgar

You probably should say what OS you are using and what Maple interface you are talking about. --- G A Edgar
I have some old versions of Maple installed (along with the current version). Sometimes I use them when trying to answer someone's question about Maple...Especially if the problem does not occur in Maple 13. --- G A Edgar
That's zero inside the signum, so it's doing infinity times zero... Of course THAT is undefined. Interesting. --- G A Edgar
I guess we have understanding. According to Maple, z and conjugate(z) are NOT two independent variables, otherwise this result would be zero: > diff(conjugate(z),z); -conjugate(z)/z+2*abs(1, z)/signum(z) --- G A Edgar
I guess we have understanding. According to Maple, z and conjugate(z) are NOT two independent variables, otherwise this result would be zero: > diff(conjugate(z),z); -conjugate(z)/z+2*abs(1, z)/signum(z) --- G A Edgar
It's really what I said before. Mathematicians write differentiation with respect to z bar when they think of a function of two independent variables called z and z bar. This is not the same thing as physicists mean when they do differentiation with respect to a function of z. --- G A Edgar
It's really what I said before. Mathematicians write differentiation with respect to z bar when they think of a function of two independent variables called z and z bar. This is not the same thing as physicists mean when they do differentiation with respect to a function of z. --- G A Edgar
Look here... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123119236117055127.html Best and worst jobs. the best is... mathematiclan. The worst is... lumberjack. --- G A Edgar
Look here... http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123119236117055127.html Best and worst jobs. the best is... mathematiclan. The worst is... lumberjack. --- G A Edgar
In fact, replacing abs(x) with sqrt(x^2) is **wrong** for complex x, so should not be done. int(sqrt(x^2),x) evaluated to x^2/s is **right** (subject to choice of branch) for complex x. --- G A Edgar
Maple 13 on Mac has the problem, too. --- G A Edgar
I tried it in Maple 12 and got the loss of kernel connection. This error (in my experience) normally means Maple has used all possible memory, but that does not seem to be the case here. Note that c(3/2) works fine. The error can be obtained using this: solve(-3.75+x^1.333333333); Also note "fsolve" works fine, but not "solve". --- G A Edgar
I guess this is a problem of the mysterious 2D input ... I tried, but failed, to get the same problem in 1D input. I got the same result, the one you want to get, using each of these: Rx R_x R[x] Since I never use 2D input, someone else will have to diagnose the problem... --- G A Edgar
probably you need to hire someone who knows both languages to do the translation --- G A Edgar
So in ASCII, the backslash character \ has octal code 134 that is what you are seeing .... so it seems that \n isn't a code for a newline ... --- G A Edgar
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