
564 Reputation

6 Badges

17 years, 159 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by ndattani

It seems the exponential function needs all arguments in order to be evaluated: a := .2*exp(A[1, 1]+A[1, 2]); A[1, 1] := 2; evalf(a); 0.2 exp(2. + A[1, 2]) However, I would like to be able to see Maple evaluate as much as it can, ie, the above command should give: 1.4778*exp(A[1,2]) Where 0.2 was multiplied by exp(2), and the rest of the exponential was left symbolic. Is there a way to force maple to do this without having to manually factor anything ? Thanks


I've performed the exact same calculation (using the exact same worksheet, with absolutely no changes made) last night and today and got these results:

y=[0, .4646313991, .9499094532, .5799050874, .1092604065, .4031507404, .8483735670, .6138799333, .1913933456, .3724618402, .7707837830];

y=[0, .4646313991, .9499094532, .5799050874, .1092604061, .4031507404, .8483735643, .6138799354, .1913933461, .3724618343, .7707837938];


Which are exactly the same modulo the last 3 digits.

Digits=10 in both cases.


I found this on a website:


To clear all variables in Maple and restart without having to reload the application, enter:


This will clear all values, unload all packages, and reinitialize Maple. However, this command will not free up memory previously allocated to Maple; consequently, when doing large jobs, the only way to improve speed is to exit and restart Maple.


Does this mean I can't clear any variables from memory at all without closing Maple?

In Matlab all you have to do is:


and that will clear the variable x from memory (you can see that the amount of memory allocated to Matlab goes down if you look at the windows task manager)


In Maple when I clear the variable x by applying the command:


the amount of memory allocated to maple remains the same.


I'm hoping that that website was wrong and there is a way around this because being able to clear a huge variable that's only needed for the initial stages of a long computation is extremely important - any software should be able to do this.


If I define two arrays in the following way:

for i from 0 to 2 do

for j from 0 to 2 do



od: od:


Then if I try to add them and look at the 0,0th component of the result:




I don't get an answer. (I've tried both the LinearAlgebra package and the linalg package.

What would I have to do to get them to add successfully ?




If I have a function:


And I want

The array: f(x-y) for all x & y  from 0 to 2 with stepsize 0.5

in the same format that matlab stores saved arrays (in a .mat file), is that possible ??

Basically, I would like to be able to open matlab and load an array called 'f' 'from a file generated from maple, such that when I'm in my matlab workspase and type:


I get:

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