
807 Reputation

11 Badges

10 years, 72 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by sand15

For several hours I experience difficulties to upload a mw file (file to answer this question).

Given the error message I get

I thought it was a general technical problem.

But then I realized that this file , for instance, could be uploaded.

Nevertheless, as soon as I try to upload I get the error displayed above and it becomes impossible to upload any other file, even

Does someone has any idea about what's going on?

For the record, contains nothing special that could prevent its uploading.
This file can be uploaded here  DropBox  (replace the txt extension by mw before opening it with Maple).

I don't know where my last exchange with @mz6687  has been moved (not to the initial question for what I see).
Nevertheless here is the reply I was sending to @mz6687  which ended with the message "Page not found".

Could the one who moved the question meanwhile be so kind as to attach this reply?

I'm presently checking the ability of inttrans:-laplace to give results one can find in the literature.
Unfortunately the inttrans:-laplace's  answers are sometimes more complex than those published in the literature and I'm not capable to simplify the output.

For instance

f := (t+1)/sqrt(t^2+2*t);
L := laplace((t+1)/sqrt(t^2+2*t), t, p);

expresses L in terms of WhittakerW and BesselK(0, p) functions as the answer simply is

exp(p)*BesselK(1, p)

How can I get this result with Maple?


How can we manage them?

During the last few days
@Madhukesh J K

have both asked a similar question on the same topic (HPM) and uploaded both quite the same code (same name of variables, same commands and same syntax errors).
This reveals an obvious close proximity of these three OP.

Given the extreme resemblance of the three threads, my guess is that there is a single person behind those three login names who expects that asking the same question from different login names will prevent the moderators from moving the new thread to an old one, and thus keeping his question in the foreground?

Am I on the wrong track (in which case I humbly ask the three OPs to excuse my words[1])
If not, how can we prevent this type of behaviour?

[1] but, as it is likely that they are then close colleagues from the same lab they should coordinate not to ask the same question three times.

Here is a notional example of a user defined  Probability Distribution:

  • One of the "attribute" or "property" (sorry but I don't know the correct word to use) in any known distribution (that is already implemented in Maple) is Parameters: an example is  provided for a Gaussian RV.
  • In a first stage I define a simple Distribution named MyDist and declare X as a random variable of distribution MyDist.
  • Then I decide to complete the definition of MyDist by adding the "property" Parameters.
    I get an error I don't know how to get rid of.

Does anyone has any idea to fix that ?

PS: I browse the Statistics library to try and understand how this "property" is defined for a known distribution but I couldn't find any clue.

Thanks in advance.



G := RandomVariable(Normal(a, b)):


Conditions, ParentName, Parameters, CharacteristicFunction, CDF, CGF, HodgesLehmann, Mean, Median, MGF, Mode, PDF, RousseeuwCrouxSn, StandardDeviation, Support, Variance, CDFNumeric, QuantileNumeric, RandomSample, RandomSampleSetup, RandomVariate, MaximumLikelihoodEstimate


[a, b]


MyDist := (mu, Sigma) -> Distribution(Mean=mu, Variance=Sigma):

X := RandomVariable(MyDist(m, V));
(Mean, Variance)(X);



m, V


MyDist := (mu, Sigma) -> Distribution(Mean=mu, Variance=Sigma, Parameters=[mu, Sigma]):

Y := RandomVariable(MyDist(m, V));

Error, (in Statistics:-Distribution) invalid input: too many and/or wrong type of arguments passed to NewDistribution; first unused argument is Parameters = [m, V]


m, V




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