MaplePrimes Suggestions

Have a problem with MaplePrimes? Want to suggest a possible improvement to the site? Please post it here.

How is the mapleprimes site usage statistics now after the site change over?

Does the site have less traffic from it's regular or veteran users?  I know there are many more posts related to mapleprimes format and probably less related to Maple software except for new users popping in to ask questions. 

I find myself visiting this site less frequently than I used to. 

I've seen a few people talk about how they are bookmarking /recent/all instead of /recent/unread. I wasn't sure why they were working this way, but realized they might not realize how /unread works.

/unread lists all Posts and Questions on MaplePrimes that you have not viewed. Once you click on one of those items, it no longer appears on the list. However, if the item is updated or a comment or answer is added to the item, it will re-appear in the /unread list. This means that by checking /unread, you will see everything that is posted to MaplePrimes, even if it posted after you last viewed that thread.

I believe the confusion was that items don't re-appear in the /unread when replies are posted, so people were viewing /all so they could see everything. I hope this clears things up.

I just fixed several of the MaplePrimes badges. Two of the badges, 2-Dimensional and Historian weren't being awarded when they should have been. This has been fixed, and now two people have earned the 2-Dimensional badge, and 91 people, the Historian badge.

I also updated the text for the "Popular Post" and "Popular Question" badges. They both now state that the question needs to be viewed by over 1000 people. The number that is displayed at the bottom of Posts and Questions is the total number of views, so refreshing the page counts as another view. To earn the badge, 1000 unique IP addresses need to view your Post or Question. There are several items that have almost 500 unique visitors thus far, so in a couple of weeks, the first people will start earning these badges.

Does the Historian badge verification work only for Questions posted since the Mapleprimes system upgrade?

It seems that links to files in the old forum do not work,

for example

This is the link as seen in


Or otherway asked: where do I find my files (as former user no. 102)?

I can save it as one html, but would miss graphics etc (but do not want to save the full web page).

That's why I usually print as pdf (using pdfcreator) or as postscript (properly installed ps-printer, filing outputs) to a file.

That needs some space on the disk, but so what ...

However for the new board only the first page is 'printed' into that  documents.

Is there a way to get them completely?

One inconvenient work around is: opening the page in Winword ...

Recently (last few months) I created a post. Then during migration images were lost. It was the post about converting 2d to 3d discs. So I updated the post by adding the images. Copied it to a word file and saved it on a USB for personal reference. Now I can't find it on my USB and I'm having trouble locating it here. Now I went searching for it under my name (my contributions) and could not find it anywhere. In fact I've found some posts of mine that should be there...

Will posted recently rules for Maplesoft employees on this site. I think, it might be a good idea to have some rules for not Maplesoft employees, too. Hopefully, they can be created collaboratively. At this time, I came to the following 5.

  1. Search Mapleprimes before asking your question. It may be already answered earlier.
  2. Be polite.
  3. Vote up the answers to your questions if you learned something from them, even if they didn't solve the problem.
  4. If you answer to somebody else's question - vote that question up - if you answering to it, you found it interesting enough to do that.
  5. Don't vote anybody's posts down - that feature is reserved for Maplesoft employees (current or former) to show us what they don't like in our posts.

This post reports the number of replies as 7 when there are actually 13 replies

As you mentioned in the other post, the comments to answers are not tallied, you might want to change the reply column as well to reflect the total number of replies and not to discount comments to answers there too.  

I had to post here a new one because the other last action post not being updated was not updated to show it being more recently posted.

So here is another post which is not being updated by adding a comment

It was update 3 hours ago but the...

Users with high enough reputation on MathOverflow get increasing amounts of power on the site.  Generally, it works rather well. 

I just finished submitting an SCR: the link to spec_eval_rules at the bottom of the ?procedure help page doesn't work in the Online Help (it works in Maple itself, though). And I can't get ?spec_eval_rules to work directly, either, in the Online Help.

Also I was wondering, how about a badge for a certain number of SCRs?

Why are upvotes and downvotes shown separately?  If a question/post is disliked by a lot of people, it should show up as 'negative' (like it does on MathOverflow).  And it should affect people's reputation too!  People who ask sufficiently bad questions (and enough of them) should receive this feedback from the community.  It's what makes the community self-policing!

I suggest that the suggestions for tags that are currently listed be turned off.  This is because they are generally really bad and off-topic (and probably swallow all sorts of CPU time needlessly...).  I much prefer the auto-complete feature in *Overflow for tags (as well as a good list of common ones).

And why does it always suggest to me the tag academic?

The questions do not list 'MaplePrimes' as a possible topic.  And the Post does have (under MaplePrimes Suggestion), as well as talking about "Have a problem with MaplePrimes?" which sure sounds like a question!  So I don't get what the intended difference is.  It made a certain amount of sense in the previous version of Primes, but now that's *Overflow-like, I'm not sure if the distinction makes much sense anymore.

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