Maple 2015 Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple 2015


  Excuse me, I have the following code





for i from 1 to n do
end do;



 The output ends up with


Error, (in combinat:-permute) 1st argument must be a list, set or a non-negative integer


 It seems that maple will not generate permutation of g... How to generate the permutation of array g? i.e. by assigning all variables automatically.


Thank you very much!



     I was just curious about the difference between defining tensors as arrays/matricies/TensorArrays vs defining them as algebraic symbols. I found that defining them as an expression lead to the wrong answer, and I was forced to define a tensor (LKh) as an array. I've attached a worksheet demonstrating my problem.

I apologize for the amount of tensors needed to find this problem, but it is the only one I have reproduced the issue. I basically define the metric
Metric = g_
auxillary tensor = h
Killing vector = K
LieDerivative of h, wrt K = LKh (not a tensor array)
LieDerivative of h, wrt K = LKh2 (tensor array)
Then I compare two expressions, rho1 and rho2 computed from LKh and LKh2 and they disagree.


I have purchased Maple 2015 Student Edition a few months ago.  Now, I was about to buy MapleSim Student Edition and I saw that MapleSim include a license of Maple. 

If I buy MapleSim and Maple,  I would pay 198$ even if I could have bought only MapleSim and still get both products? 

Can I get MapleSim Student without Maple at a lower price? 

Maybe the version of Maple included in MapleSim has less features and that's why the cost of MapleSim and Maple are the same? 

Thanks in advance!  

I did some search on Google and on this website, but I haven't found anything. 


     I was wondering if there is an easy way to define another set of indices in the Physics package. For example, usually greek indices are for all 4 spacetime dimensions. Using Setup(spaceindices = lowercaselatin), we can define 3 of those as space indices. I was hoping there is a more general command, so that I could use only 2 indices as "space indices". For example, X[i] would run over x,y while X[mu] would run over t, z. Is there such a command in the Physics package, or a simple way to implement this personally?

Second thing. I was playing with SumOverRepeatedIndices on an expression that contained both space indices and spacetime indices. Usually this seems to work, but in my attached example it does not. I tried the same thing with just spacetime indices in Maple 18 (newest Physics update) and it gave the same error.

Any help appreciated,

I got a code file and i dont know how to load it in Linux. In Windows i just type:

read "E:/code.txt"

But thing now i change to use Linux and cant do the same (Maple 2015 64bit Linux ver), try to load

read "/root/Desktop/code.txt"

It show me that:

I click Cancel and it show me:

Hope can help me another ways to use and load my code to run.

Here is the function I want to find the inverse of 


where phi>0

Now taking the inverselaplace of U(x)


which give me an unevaluated integral.

Any idea, how to get the complete inverse, maybe interms of erf?

When solving a simple assignment problem in Maple 2015.1 the bug occurs:


In Maple 2012 there are no problems:

A := Matrix([[1, 7, 1, 3], [1, 6, 4, 6], [17, 1, 5, 1], [1, 6, 10, 4]]):


z:=add(add(A[i,j]*x[i,j], j=1..n), i=1..n):

restr:={seq(add(x[i,j], i=1..n)=1, j=1..n),seq(add(x[i,j], j=1..n)=1, i=1..n)};

sol:=Optimization[LPSolve](z, restr, assume=binary); 



When trying to contract the Christoffel with some vector

DGsetup([r, phi], M);
g := evalDG(dr &t dr + r^2 * dphi &t dphi);
ContractIndices(Christoffel(g), D_phi, [[2, 1]]);

I get the following error:

Error, (in DifferentialGeometry:-Tensor:-ContractIndices) expected 1st argument to be a tensor. Received: _DG([["connection", M, [["con_bas", "cov_bas", "cov_bas"], []]], [`...`]])

What can I do about that?

Here we develop the factoring in common factor, simple and complete square blade, plus simple equation systems with graphic and design, and graphic solution of the quadratic equation using components in maple 2015.

(in spanish)





Dear, my attached file take alot time to exicute the result, Please solve this problem. I am waiting your kind response.


With my best regards and sincerely.

Muhammad Usman

PhD (Scholar) Mathematics

HITEC University, Taxila

Lecturer of Mathematics

Govt. Degree College Taxila Pakistan.

Visiting Lecturer of Mathematics

University of Wah, Pakistan.



Mob #: +923152329276

Dear All,

Colud you please tell me how to obtain the answer f(b)-f(a), by manipulating the following expression in maple:

int(diff(f(x), x), x = a .. b)

Thank you very much. Best regards, Jand

Hi! I just started to use Maple and I play with some of its functions. I have seen in examples related to RegularChain package an output like  [regular_chain, [[-1, -1], [0, 0]]] and I wonder how I should read it. Thanks for any help and sorry if my question is very basic.

It looks like the Online Help has now been updated for Maple 2015.

Here's the What's New in Maple 2015 Overview, which is similar to the product pages currently available here.

But we can now also link to and view the online versions of full help pages of new or enhanced commands or example worksheets. For example, dataplot.


Dear I want to define a general operator D for Fractional derivative whose behave like this


(D^alpha)(t^beta) = GAMMA(1+beta)*t^(beta-alpha)/GAMMA(1+beta-alpha)

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