Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

Dear Sir
Can you please help me to minimize the following cost function with maple 10.I want that " t and T must be greater than zero(not equal to zero) , t < T  and C > 0." I tried a lot but I am not getting the values of t and T as mentioned above " ". Also why  the solution obtained by the 2 methods below is different  ? Which one of them is correct ?


Hi all, I have a non-linear differential equation x := diff(y(r), r, r)+2*(diff(y(r), r))/r+ C*polylog(3/2, -exp(C2*(C3-y(r)))) = 0 with boundary values D(y)(0)=0 and y(infinity)=0. The hint says to use a subroutine to solve polylog and then integrate the differential equation with help of a Runge-Kutta like scheme. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. I have no clue how to use subroutines and specially when y(r) is within polylog. Thanks in advance, MS

Is this the best way to produce a random 2-d array? 

L:= Array(1..10,1..10,(rand(1..50));

What's unusual about the operation is that I seem to get an unusually high number of doubles in the rows.  All of the time I'm getting 50% of the rows with a matching pair of numbers (ie. every time I run the line, I get 5 rows with a matching pair of numbers) 

Does the probability of that seem a little high?  Also are there other ways to produce a 2-d random array? 


Hey, I have this complex ecuation on maple: (x+Iy)^3-x-Iy-A=0,

And I have to do an animation for -2<=A<=2, I tried using implicit plot and giving A that range, but it only returns a blank plot, any help would be appreciated!

Oh! I also have to search for what A values the ecuation has 1, 2, and 3 real solutions, any help in this would be appreciated to!



These functions give different indices for the x variables:

> test := j->sum(x[j-i mod 24], i = 0 .. 8); test2 := j->seq(x[j-i mod 24)], i = 0 .. 8);

> test(3); test2(3);


x[3], x[2], x[1], x[0], x[23], x[22], x[21], x[20], x[19]

The second line uses the indices I would like.  What am I doing wrong?


Is there a function that allows finding address of array/matrix's element equal or closest to given number. Or I have to write a loop.

en example


[1 2 5 6 9 10]

given value


the closest is 5 and it is in 3th column.



I'm trying to get Maple to shade the approximating rectangles in a Riemann Sum but am having no luck -- any help would be appreciated.  Curretnly I've typed the following:


RiemannSum( x^2+1,x=0..2, boxoptions = [filled = true] );


Doesn't seem to want to shade the area.  Changing other boxoptions (e.g. color, etc.) does have an effect -- it's just the shading that is not working.


Thanks in advance,



Hello, i am trying to make a maplet that animates the trajectory of a thrown object.
unfortunately i am having a problem with the animation, the plot looks fine but it is just a simple plot and not an animation. Need help!

Dear Sir
I am getting the solution lambda=−1.518022637,beta=0.5666679932,p=4.035629244

Does this solution maximizes my objective function Zv. Also I am not getting the solution for non negative values of  p, lambda and beta.Can you please help me to solve following non linear equations with maple 10.

How can  i take derivative of a vector fuction

r := proc (t) options operator, arrow; `<,>`(x0*e^(-t/t0)*cos(t/t0), y0*e^(-t/t0)*sin(t/t0), z0*e^(-t/t0)) end proc


how can i use "plot" command in a "for" loop as in each cycle, plotting an equation without printing other assignments?

I have implemented an economic model into Maple with the objection to plot a 3d graph from the final equation in order to visualize the effects these three parameters have on each other. But I don't no how to do it. Here is the equation I want to plot;

The_equation := [-(u+delta)*[(1-`c`)*(`c`-`c2h`-`t`)]+[(1-u)*(1-`q`^2)*[1/((4-`q`^2)*(1-`q`^2))]^2*[(2-`q`^2)*(`theta`-c2l-`t`)+[-`q`*(1-`c`)]]^2-(1-u)*(1-`q`^2)*([1/((4-`q`^2)*(1-`q`^2))]*[(2-`q`^2)*(`theta`-`c2h`-`t`)]+[-`q`*(1-`c`)])^2]]

Dear Sir
Can you please help me to solve following non linear equations with maple 10. I have tried a lot but i am getting the warning that solution is lost.On giving the range of solution I am getting the same result (Range is taken to be non-negative values).
Thanking you

How can I solve a system of two non-linear equations by using Maple10

Please explain how we can solve this question into maple13 Example: The Accompanying data on oxygen concentration for a sample of silicon wafers was reported in a paper “Determination of conversation  Factor for Infrared measurement Oxygen in silicon” n =22  e.g. (2.68,3.06,4.31,4.71,5.71,5.99,6.06,7.04,7.17,7.46,7.50,8.27,8.42,8.73,8.84,9.14,9.19,9.21,9.39,11.28,15.19,21.06) Draw Box plot and find the upper & lower spread a

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