Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

I have a function of two variables, f(x,y).
The function does involve in infinite series of functions fn(x,y)

   f(x,y) = sum( fn(x,y) ,  n=-100..100)

but that shouldn't be an issue.

I need to solve numerically the roots of f, obtaining a stored function y(x) over a range x=0..1/2.

Finally, I take y(x) and evaluate another function, g[ x, y(x) ]  over the range of x.
g(x) would be plotted.

here i have an ode system:

diff(x(t),t)=f(x,y,z,w); diff(y(t),t)=g(x,y,z,w);diff(z(t),t)=h(x,y,z,w); diff(w(t),t)=k(x,y,z,w) where f, g, h, k are given nonlinear functions.

Then how can i get the phaseplan of (x(t),y(t))? when i use the procedure of DEplot, it returns an error stating that the DESYS requires two or fewer variables? how can i deal with that?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


I just noticed that in Maple 12 (and 13) the Layout palette's subscripted atomic identifier entry had its hover-over tooltip changed. By hover-over I mean the text based tooltip that appears after a slight delay when the mouse point is allowed to hover over the entry.

In Maple 11 it showed as subliteral which, while perhaps to entirely clear to everyone, was at least accurate. It meant: the unique subscripted name.

For example, x-subscript-y, as a subliteral...

I try to put a prefix in front of the Omega unit (ohm). I does not work (see the attached file). The same kind of prefix works for all the other units.   Thanks
Hello all, I am still quite new to Maple and this website, and apologize if this is an easy task or one that has been already addressed on the forums. I am trying to calculate an adiabatic invariant for a particle orbit. This invariant is the action over one oscillation in the particle's trajectory, and requires me to numerically integrate aspects of the plot in phase space. I calculated and plotted the particle's trajectory in phase space using the dsolve and odeplot commands. The invariant is given by the expression \int_{1 cycle} rho' drho

Hello everybody,

I have a quite complex function and I need to draw its 3 dimension plot. The function is :

Hello everybody,


I have a list of 8 integers and I want to extract all the possible sublists of this list.

For example if the list is L:=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] I want to extract





Is there a simple way to do that? Since there are 2^8=256 of such sublists, my idea was to

write a for i  from 1 to 256 and convert i to a binary number on each iteration, e.g, i =123

is the binary number 1111011, which would correspond to sub list

here i have four odes

diff(x(t),t)=f(x,y,z,w); diff(y(t),t)=g(x,y,z,w);diff(z(t),t)=h(x,y,z,w); diff(w(t),t)=k(x,y,z,w)

whrer f,g,h and k are known nonlinear functions? Then how can i get the graph of (x,y)near some point,eg (0,0), by the numeric method? Thank you very much!

Hi, one of our (potential) customers asked me if Maple is able to compute difficult. There is a thing called Primal Linear Program, which is given. The customer wants to compute the related dual program in a symbolic way. Is there a Package already implemented for such a thing ? I think it is related to business studies, anyhow. Thanks

hi all,

                            I  have a program written using Matlab, how can I change it into a program written using Maple.

the program:


function [xmin, fxmin, iter] = PSO

success = 0;      

I use the MaxFlow command from the GraphTheory package, but I don't understand the results that I get.
The max flow value is okay, but the matrix in which the flows from node to node are given, is not what I expected.

Is this problem caused by the fact that the graph is not directed? I don't want to use a directed graph, because flows can choose only one of both directions.


As a solution I get:

i'm quite new to maple and i want your advice /guidance(in fact i'm desperate)

in order to solve a system of 2 pdes coupled with 4 odes.
the pdes are :




