Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

Hi all,

I am using the Physics package. I have an expression with many terms and need to contract indices with the Simplify command. It returns the following

> KLMN := Simplify(subs(substtot, G4Z2s));
Error, (in Check) unable to handle tensor expressions as 4*I

Has anybody come across this problem?

Thanks in advance.

hello, im just trying to do a solve function in  maple 13 for this equation.....1.5=2.4713(1+e^-t+1)*(1-1.23934*e^-0.2145(t+1))^3

I want to solve for T but it keeps telling me that the solutions are lost when i try to solve, please helppppp.  im freaking out here.  and the "e's" in the equation are the exponent function, not another variable.

hello, can solve the riccati equation for nonlinear time invariant systems, please give example with 4X4 matrices.

2.for the same problem how one can get  the plot for input and states by new method called (theta- D). suboptimal nonlinear control technique.



Hi all, Is there any way I can check what my maple is doing? It's running this code for almost two days now.



I need help in solving following 4th order system of 02 ODEs which are coupled

where, indicates derivative w.r.t  time t , and A,B are constants.

Hey Everyone!

I cant figure out why Maple can give eigenvectors for a matrix A, through Eigenvectors(A); but I cant use LinearSolve() to do this same calculation. (I get <0.,0.> as the answer).

Here is what I am doing (note, Eigenvectors(S) gives correct answer).



charPoly:=Determinant(x * I2 - S);

         produces: EV := 7488.802926, 13.83707411

I'm trying to export some plots to a .gif file which are then imported to a latex-beamer presentation. Since the presentation uses a non-white background, I want maple to produce gif plots with a transparent background. What I tried so far is plotsetup( gif, plotoptions="transparent=true" ) but no dice. As an alternative, setting a RGB valued BGcolor would be ok for now as well ... here I tried setting the PlotBGColor value of my maplerc but this had not the desired effect as well. Thanks in advance, Cheers Nils
how can i plot 20 pairs of (x,y) data,displaying both dots and one of available commands of CurveFitting Package in one diagram? for example if we have L:=[1,2,...,20]: and w:=[23,24,25,...,42]: plot dots:[1,23],[2,24],...,[20,42](but without writing these 20 pairs manual!) together with a fitting line in one diagram.


I am trying to get hold of this DAE system

Hi guys, I need the text output of a maple sheet exported to a text file. Where I need to make this text file and how can I export the output? Thanks MS

Is there a way to calculate only several eigenvalues out of all the eigenvalues of a large matrix?

I'm using Maple 12.02 on a Mac under OS X.4.11 (Tiger).

Most times when I print a worksheet, or preview it or save it to a PDF, the result includes one or more blank pages.  That is, they are blank except for the vertical lines at left and right margins.  All of the worksheet material is printed, but blank pages are inserted seemingly at random.  I've found no extraneous markings on the worksheet that might cause this, and I haven't figured out how either to prevent it or to delete the blank pages from the PDF file.



I know to get maple to give me the other root I have graphically examine the funtion to see that it's around 200.  I need to use fsolve using x=190..210 to find it.  But that's a bit of a pain, I don't want to have to graph the function everytime, if my limits aren't far enough I may not find it. 

Wondering if anyone can help me with this long winded problem...


So... What I have to do is randomly select 6 numbers from the interval [0,1], not hugely important how many decimal places there are but I've used 10.

Ive written some stuff to do this

T := rand(0..1000000000000):

t := proc()
end proc:

C := proc(n)
local S,i:
S := NULL:
  for i from 1 to n do
    S := S, t(i)
  end do
end proc:

how can i get the inetersection point (a real number of x axis) of a complex plot and a real plot? and how to assign them respectively to an array?

for example the junctions of lines:

d1:=(sec(I*(x^2-2)))(exp(I*x)*sin(2*x)+cos(I*(2*x-3)));       and

d2:=0.5;  by  plot([d1, d2], x = -5 .. 5);


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