Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple
Hi, obviously a very simple question, but not for me: I plot 3 graphes into one plot by : plot1 := plot(pts, x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 1000, style = line, color = red); plot2 := plot(pts2, x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 1000, style = line, color = blue); plot3 := plot(pts3, x = 0 .. 5, y = 0 .. 1000, style = line, color = green); G := textplot({[1, 1, "function"], [.5, .75, "derivative"]}); display(plot1, plot2, plot3) I tried to use texplot to lable the achses but it did not work. Is there another way to do it?

I was considering what sorts of "normally coded" things might get broken by the loading of a Maple Library package and the ensuing rebinding of names.

And so I tried this,

> with(RealDomain): # rebinds sin

> convert( cos(x), sin );
                                     sin(2 x)
                                 1/2 --------

I was actually surprised to see that work OK. I was expecting `convert`...


I loaded a 1600*3 matrix into Maple 12  from my mysql datbase on my computer and it took 3 minutes to load it .

I assume that the speed will be increase significantly if I had a fast internet connection ( both up and down ).

My Internet connection (tcp / ip) is extremly slow !!    Is this correct ?   Are there any other way to speed up the data exchange ?


Hi experts, I am producing a List X[n]. After that I just want to plot the values X[n] := [n, P[n]] with n on the x axw and P[n] on the y axe. for i from .1 by .1 to 5 do n := n+1; P[n] := (i*2+3*i^2) X[n] := [n, P[n]] end do; X[1] Unfortunately I get the error message and an empty plot: Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct


I am a relatively new user of Maple, and I try to solve numerically the following PDE system :

> pde01 := diff(c(z, t), t) = (diff(c(z, t), z, z))-(diff(c(z, t), z))+k*(a-c(z, t));

> pde02 := diff(b(z, t), t) = (diff(b(z, t), z, z))-(diff(b(z, t), z))+k*(a-b(z, t));

> cl1 := c(0, t) = piecewise(t <= 0.3, 100, 0.3 < t and t <=0 .5, 200, 0.5 < t, 100);

> cl2 := c(l, t) = b(l, t);

> cl3 := (D[1](c))(l, t) = (D[1](b))(l, t);

> cl4 := b(L, t) = a;

I have a little problem. I have some linear unequalities and I wan't to prove if the following set is empty.
S:={(a,c) | (a-2*b-d+2*c)*delta <= d-c-a+b, a-b >= d-c, a>=0, b>=0}


I have proved it like this:
solve({(a-2*b-d+2*c)*delta <= d-c-a+b, a-b >= d-c, a>=0, b>=0}, [a,c]);                  


please help me here:

i have

p(n):= (2310*n^5+5775*n^4+5019*n^3+(3507/2)*n^2+(409/2)*n+5/2)/(27720*n^7+97020*n^6+132300*n^5+88200*n^4+29400*n^3+4410*n^2+210*n)

how can apprximate p(n) with another polynomial (say: a second degree polynomial in n) or a rational function (ration of two second order polynomials) of less degree of n? and how good is that approximation

thanks in advance

My output consists of a lot of terms (100+) and I need to isolate all the negative (positive) terms. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance.

The following type of difference in behaviour, due to deterministic ordering of sets as introduced in Maple 12, may affect implementations of some algorithms.

    |\^/|     Maple 11 (X86 64 LINUX)
._|\|   |/|_. Copyright (c) Maplesoft, a division of Waterloo Maple Inc. 2007
 \  MAPLE  /  All rights reserved. Maple is a trademark of
 <____ ____>  Waterloo Maple Inc.
      |       Type ? for help.

> seq(x, x in {a,b,c,d,e,f,g}) assuming d>0;


please help me here:

I have:


now i want to multiply by (n+1/2) that is


now i want to express it in a simples form. may be like this:

c(n) + d(n)/p(n)





Hello, this is probably painfully simple but I cannot figure it out... so there it goes

there are four set of equations, but only one solution can be assigned to the parameter p (which is the outcome of R1, R2, R3, or R4).

1: if `and`(x4 = 0, x1 > 0) then assign(solpR1) end if;

2: if x2 = 0 then assign(solpR2) end if;

3: if `and`(x1 = 0, x4 = 0) then assign(solpR3) end if;

4: if `and`(x3 = 0, x1 = 0) then assign(solpR4) end if;

Hi experts, I generate two random variables R1 and R2 R1 := random[normald[mu[1], sigma[1]]](1000); R2 := random[normald[mu[2], sigma[2]]](1000); Now I want just the positive numbers of it and save them under K1:=R1^+ K2:=R2^+ Thanks for your help! Regards, Marc

Hello, I am new with Maple and I am searching a function for the following problem:

I have a vector,
the maximum of this vector is 8, but I want to know  where the maximum ist. Here it the third entry of the vector.
Is there a function in Maple which gives me the 'place' of the maximum (here 3)??

Thanks for your help.


I am new to the joys of Maple and have become a bit stuck.  How do I find the solutions of the following function:

23*sin x + x - 1 = 0

Do I need to plot a graph first and go there?

Many thanks,


Dear experts, I use a procedure called Powell. The result of the procedure are the 5 values below. I want to save those results in another variable called MS, but only the second and third value. > Powell(f, Xmin0); [-411.761866103766574, [17.6242885977129257, 82.3757114023303752], 10, 110] -> MS:=(17.62,82.37) The second problem is that I want to put Powell into a double loop. Just for understanding: --> N=1 till 10 M=1 till 10 Powell(f, Xmin0); End M; End N; So that I get 100 values of MS:=(....,....). That I want to save in a matrix.
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