Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

What systematic methods can be used to determine the optimal parameters in a long equation involving two independent variables, and how do techniques like separation of variables, balancing principles, or dimensional analysis aid in simplifying and solving such equations?


Some of the calculations mentioned here can be done in alternative programming languages, such as Python, C, and so on. However, I would like to reproduce exactly these graphs using Maple (without the need for programming commands, such as "if", "while", among others).

In the work I am trying to reproduce, we have "The evaluation of the influence of the inclusion of the broadband behavior of grounding systems in EMT-type programs in the evaluation of transients resulting from direct lightning strikes on transmission lines. The behavior of the grounding frequency is determined using an accurate electromagnetic model and included in the EMTP/ATP by means of an equivalent circuit derived from the Vector Fitting technique. In addition, the impact of the frequency dependence of soil parameters on the lightning performance of transmission lines is addressed." This may seem somewhat disconnected from reality for many, since it is a problem involving electrical engineering optimization.

Could someone help me reproduce these calculations? I have made little significant progress.

If you want to access the reference accounts, I'll send you the PDF

schroeder2017 [link to copyrighted material replaced by moderator]

I'm evaulating Maple Flow and wondered if any Mathcad users have transferred to Maple Flow?

What are the pros/cons of Maple Flow? It's different to what I'm used to so I need to spend time learning. But I'm liking what I see so far.

How can I simplify this relation(See uploaded .mw file)?
For example, the second term is simplified as: 



Where can I found details about Statistics:-Sample(..., method=envelope).

It would be nice to have a link to a description of the envelope method Sample uses.
For instance does it share some features of the Cuba library for numeric integration? Does it use the same envelope method evalf/Int(..., method=_CubaSuave)) uses?

Thanks in advance.

I'm trying to transform a partial differential equation (PDE) into an ordinary differential equation (ODE) as demonstrated in the paper. However, I find some steps confusing and difficult to follow. The process often feels chaotic, and managing the complexity of the equations is overwhelming. Could you suggest an effective and systematic method to handle such transformations more easily?







`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`


declare(Omega(x, t)); declare(U(xi))

Omega(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*Omega


U(xi)*`will now be displayed as`*U


tr := {t = tau, x = tau*c[0]+xi, Omega(x, t) = U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))}

{t = tau, x = tau*c[0]+xi, Omega(x, t) = U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))}


P1 := diff(Omega(x, t)^m, t)

Omega(x, t)^m*m*(diff(Omega(x, t), t))/Omega(x, t)


L1 := PDEtools:-dchange(tr, P1, [xi, tau, U])

(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*m*(-((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-I*U(xi)*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))*c[0]+I*U(xi)*(-k*c[0]+w+delta*(diff(W(tau), tau))-delta^2)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))/(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))


pde1 := I*(diff(Omega(x, t)^m, t))+alpha*(diff(Omega(x, t)^m, `$`(x, 2)))+I*beta*(diff(abs(Omega(x, t))^(2*n)*Omega(x, t)^m, x))+m*sigma*Omega(x, t)^m*(diff(W(t), t)) = I*gamma*abs(Omega(x, t))^(2*n)*(diff(Omega(x, t)^m, x))+delta*abs(Omega(x, t))^(4*n)*Omega(x, t)^m

I*Omega(x, t)^m*m*(diff(Omega(x, t), t))/Omega(x, t)+alpha*(Omega(x, t)^m*m^2*(diff(Omega(x, t), x))^2/Omega(x, t)^2+Omega(x, t)^m*m*(diff(diff(Omega(x, t), x), x))/Omega(x, t)-Omega(x, t)^m*m*(diff(Omega(x, t), x))^2/Omega(x, t)^2)+I*beta*(2*abs(Omega(x, t))^(2*n)*n*(diff(Omega(x, t), x))*abs(1, Omega(x, t))*Omega(x, t)^m/abs(Omega(x, t))+abs(Omega(x, t))^(2*n)*Omega(x, t)^m*m*(diff(Omega(x, t), x))/Omega(x, t))+m*sigma*Omega(x, t)^m*(diff(W(t), t)) = I*gamma*abs(Omega(x, t))^(2*n)*Omega(x, t)^m*m*(diff(Omega(x, t), x))/Omega(x, t)+delta*abs(Omega(x, t))^(4*n)*Omega(x, t)^m



L1 := PDEtools:-dchange(tr, pde1, [xi, tau, U])

I*(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*m*(-((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-I*U(xi)*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))*c[0]+I*U(xi)*(-k*c[0]+w+delta*(diff(W(tau), tau))-delta^2)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))/(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))+alpha*((U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*m^2*((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-I*U(xi)*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^2/(U(xi)^2*(exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^2)+(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*m*((diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-U(xi)*k^2*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))/(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))-(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*m*((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-I*U(xi)*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^2/(U(xi)^2*(exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^2))+I*beta*(2*(abs(U(xi))*exp(-Im(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^(2*n)*n*((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-I*U(xi)*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))*abs(1, U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))*(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m/(abs(U(xi))*exp(-Im(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))+(abs(U(xi))*exp(-Im(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^(2*n)*(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*m*((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-I*U(xi)*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))/(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))))+m*sigma*(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*(diff(W(tau), tau)) = I*gamma*(abs(U(xi))*exp(-Im(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^(2*n)*(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m*m*((diff(U(xi), xi))*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau))-I*U(xi)*k*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))/(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))+delta*(abs(U(xi))*exp(-Im(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^(4*n)*(U(xi)*exp(I*(-k*(tau*c[0]+xi)+w*tau+delta*W(tau)-delta^2*tau)))^m





Download transform-pde-to-ode-hard_example.mw

I tried the latest Maple flow upgrade (2024.2) and noticed some strange behavior. When I enter units such as L/min or m/s^2, the program states: "invalid unit(s) Units:-Simple:-*" However, to my surprise, if I start the canvas by stating with(Units) everything works as it should. In the user manual however it is stated that the with() commands do not work within Flow. If someone would be so kind to explain what I am doing wrong.

Hello sir, how are you?
Sorry to bother you, I needed your help. I have the script from your textbook "3D Graph Equation of Motorcycle run on Maple Software". It's not working. I'd appreciate it if you could take a look.

implicitplot3d(((49.80*x + 19.44*y + 133.2300 - 19.08*sqrt(x^2 + 8.30*x + 19.8469 + y^2 + 3.24*y) - 66.6150*abs(-3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42) + 0.5625*abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2) = ((((((((((((2 + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42) + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(y^2 + 3.24)) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42) + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(x^2 + 3.24) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(y^2 - 3.18)) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) - 3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42) + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) - 3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(x^2 + 3.24)) - 3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(y^2 + 3.24) + 0.42*abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2) and ((((((((((((2 + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42) + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(y^2 + 3.24)) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42) + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(x^2 + 3.24) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(y^2 - 3.18)) + abs(3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2))) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) - 3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42) + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(x^2 + 8.30) - 3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y - 2)*(x^2 + 3.24)) - 3.9*sqrt((x - 1.7)^2 + (y - 1.35)^2)) + 0.42 + abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2)*(y^2 + 3.24) + 0.42*abs(0.00390625*(x^8 + y^8) - 0.5*x + 2*y + 2) = 0, x = -7 .. 7, y = -4 .. 3, z = -3 .. 3, numpoints = 350000, style = surface, color = "Niagara Azure");

On donne une ellipse rapportée à ses axes x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-1=0 et une droite (D) qui rencontre cette
courbe en 2 points A et B. 
On considère un cercle variable passant parles points A et B et on demande le lieu géométrique des points de rencontre des tangentes communes au cercle et à l'ellipse.
a := 5;
b := 3;
ellipse_eq := (x, y) -> x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - 1;
m := 1;
c := -2;
line_eq := (x, y) -> y - m*x - c;
intersections := solve({line_eq(x, y) = 0, ellipse_eq(x, y) = 0}, {x, y}, explicit);
A := intersections[1];
B := intersections[2];
A := [VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(25, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)), VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))), VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(9, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))), VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)))];
B := [VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(25, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)), VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1)))), VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(9, 17^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))), VectorCalculus:-`-`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`*`(15, sqrt(30)), 34^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1))))];
center_x := VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[1], B[1]), 2^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1));
center_y := VectorCalculus:-`*`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[2], B[2]), 2^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1));
radius := VectorCalculus:-`*`(sqrt(VectorCalculus:-`+`(VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[1], VectorCalculus:-`-`(B[1]))^2, VectorCalculus:-`+`(A[2], VectorCalculus:-`-`(B[2]))^2)), 2^VectorCalculus:-`-`(1));
circle_eq := (x, y) -> (x - center_x)^2 + (y - center_y)^2 - radius^2;
L := (x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2) -> (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 + lambda1*ellipse_eq(x1, y1) + lambda2*circle_eq(x2, y2);
eq1 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), x1);
eq2 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), y1);
eq3 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), x2);
eq4 := diff(L(x1, y1, x2, y2, lambda1, lambda2), y2);
eq5 := ellipse_eq(x1, y1);
eq6 := circle_eq(x2, y2);
sols := solve({eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6}, {lambda1, lambda2, x1, x2, y1, y2}, explicit);
lieu_geometrique := [seq([sols[i][1], sols[i][2]], i = 1 .. nops(sols))];
plot(lieu_geometrique, style = point, symbol = cross, color = red, title = "Lieu géométrique des points de rencontre");
Ce code m'a été donné en partie par l'intelligence artificielle (Mistral), mais il se plante. Pourriez-vous corriger les erreurs. Merci.

I am trying to animate images generated in a do loop using display and insequence. I get an output but there is no flipping of the image even while I see the frames count flip through the frames. What am I doing wrong? See attached code. Thanks!


Hey guys, 

in the attached file you can see my problem. Since Maple was not able to calculate my set with 8 equations, 8 variables and 13 inequalities I had to split in into two steps. Here you can see how I try to take one solutions of what I got with solve onto 8 equations with 8 variables and to solve this together with my inequalities. It never was a problem before. So ow I get a weird error I dont understand.

restart; inequalities := {0 < k, 0 < m, 0 < s, 0 < x, 0 < y, 0 < n+(p-1)*s, 0 < (m*y-1)*n+(m*x-m+1)*(1-p), 0 < (m*x-m-s+1)*p+m*y*(s-n), 1 < x+y, k < 1, m < 1, s < t, t < 1}; solve(`union`({k = (x*(1-sqrt(x))+sqrt(x)-2*x)/((x^2-3*x+1)*x), m = (sqrt(x)+x)/(x-1), n = (sqrt(x)+x)/(x-1), p = (-1-sqrt(x))/(x-1), s = (-1-sqrt(x))/(x-1), t = (2*x*(1-sqrt(x))+1+sqrt(x)-5*x)/(x^2-3*x+1), y = 1-sqrt(x)}, inequalities)); inequalities := {0 < k, 0 < m, 0 < s, 0 < x, 0 < y, 0 < n+(p-1)*s, 0 < (m*y-1)*n+(m*x-m+1)*(1-p), 0 < (m*x-m-s+1)*p+m*y*(s-n), 1 < x+y, k < 1, m < 1, s < t, t < 1}

Error, (in unknown) invalid input: SolveTools:-Inequality expects its 1st argument, eqns, to be of type {list, set}({`<`, `<=`, `=`}), but received [p < 1, -p < 0, And(2*argument((p-1)/p) <= Pi,-Pi < 2*argument((p-1)/p))]


restart; solve(`union`({k = (x*(1-sqrt(x))+sqrt(x)-2*x)/((x^2-3*x+1)*x), m = (sqrt(x)+x)/(x-1), n = (sqrt(x)+x)/(x-1), p = (-1-sqrt(x))/(x-1), s = (-1-sqrt(x))/(x-1), t = (2*x*(1-sqrt(x))+1+sqrt(x)-5*x)/(x^2-3*x+1), y = 1-sqrt(x)}, {0 < x, 0 < y}))

{k = p^3/(p^3-2*p+1), m = -p+1, n = -p+1, s = p, t = (3*p-2)*p/(p^2+p-1), x = (p^2-2*p+1)/p^2, y = 1-((p^2-2*p+1)/p^2)^(1/2), 3/2+(1/2)*5^(1/2) < p}, {k = p^3/(p^3-2*p+1), m = -p+1, n = -p+1, s = p, t = (3*p-2)*p/(p^2+p-1), x = (p^2-2*p+1)/p^2, y = 1-((p^2-2*p+1)/p^2)^(1/2), 1 < p, p < 3/2+(1/2)*5^(1/2)}, {k = p^3/(p^3-2*p+1), m = -p+1, n = -p+1, s = p, t = (3*p-2)*p/(p^2+p-1), x = (p^2-2*p+1)/p^2, y = 1-((p^2-2*p+1)/p^2)^(1/2), 1/2 < p, p < (1/2)*5^(1/2)-1/2}, {k = p^3/(p^3-2*p+1), m = -p+1, n = -p+1, s = p, t = (3*p-2)*p/(p^2+p-1), x = (p^2-2*p+1)/p^2, y = 1-((p^2-2*p+1)/p^2)^(1/2), p < 1, (1/2)*5^(1/2)-1/2 < p}


restart; solve(`union`({k = (x*(1-sqrt(x))+sqrt(x)-2*x)/((x^2-3*x+1)*x), m = (sqrt(x)+x)/(x-1), n = (sqrt(x)+x)/(x-1), p = (-1-sqrt(x))/(x-1), s = (-1-sqrt(x))/(x-1), t = (2*x*(1-sqrt(x))+1+sqrt(x)-5*x)/(x^2-3*x+1), y = 1-sqrt(x)}, {0 < s, 0 < x, 0 < y}))

Error, (in unknown) invalid input: SolveTools:-Inequality expects its 1st argument, eqns, to be of type {list, set}({`<`, `<=`, `=`}), but received [-p < 0, And(2*argument((p-1)/p) <= Pi,-Pi < 2*argument((p-1)/p))]



So my question is why does this error occur? And what does it mean? the "but received..." argument in the error makes no sense to me. Why does it happen when I add 0<s but 0<x,0<y is okay?

Thank you in advance

Download Why_this_error.mw

Maple 2024.2 gives wrong inverse Laplace transform on expressions with exp(s) multiplied by Ei (the exponentional integral) with complex argument.

Below are two examples found so far. 

Inverse laplace of  exp(s)/2*Ei(1, s + I) gives exp(-I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 2))  but the correct inverse should be exp(-I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 1))

Inverse laplace of  exp(s)/2*Ei(1, s - I) gives exp(I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 2))  but the correct inverse should be exp(I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 1))

i.e. in both cases it gives 2*(t + 2) in denominator when denominator should be 2*(t + 1)

Below is worksheet



`Standard Worksheet Interface, Maple 2024.2, Windows 10, October 29 2024 Build ID 1872373`


`The "Physics Updates" version in the MapleCloud is 1836 and is the same as the version installed in this computer, created 2024, December 2, 10:11 hours Pacific Time.`


Example 1



Y:=exp(s)/2*Ei(1, s + I);

(1/2)*exp(s)*Ei(1, s+I)


#to show it is wrong, lets ask for the laplace transform of it. We see it is not the same as Y

Y_back:=inttrans:-laplace(y_wrong,t,s): simplify(%);

(1/2)*exp(I+2*s)*Ei(1, 2*s+2*I)


(1/2)*exp(s)*Ei(1, s+I)-(1/2)*exp(I+2*s)*Ei(1, 2*s+2*I)

#correct invlaplace should be exp(-I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 1)). Proof:
y_correct:=exp(-I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 1));



(1/2)*exp(s)*Ei(1, s+I)



Example 2



Y:=exp(s)/2*Ei(1, s - I);

(1/2)*exp(s)*Ei(1, s-I)


#to show it is wrong, let ask for the laplace transform of it. We see it is not the same as Y

Y_back:=inttrans:-laplace(y_wrong,t,s): simplify(%);

(1/2)*exp(-I+2*s)*Ei(1, 2*s-2*I)


(1/2)*exp(s)*Ei(1, s-I)-(1/2)*exp(-I+2*s)*Ei(1, 2*s-2*I)

#correct invlaplace should be exp(I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 1)). Proof:
y_correct:=exp(I*(t + 1))/(2*(t + 1));



(1/2)*exp(s)*Ei(1, s-I)








Download bug_in_inverse_laplace_transform.mw


Also Reported to Maple support.

Is it possible in maple to resume an asymptotic expansion from a specific order onwards.

To be more specific.

Let's assume that I have the asymptotic expansion to say Order 20 already calculated or can import it from file.

Is it possible for Maple to use the expansion I already have and immediately start calculating Order 21 onwards ?

This will save a lot of time for numerical  expansions that can take literally days to complete.

I try to get some Bilinear form for some PDE equation  and already i have algorithm by writing in lecture but i can't apply i don't what is mistake i did, and i didn't seen some of this lecture code in maple  like (myint(expr,var))
 i  do upload PIcture of algorithm and example which they get Bilinear form 


thanks for any help

dsolve gets stuck on a problem. Attached is the worksheet.

In Case I, dsolve solves the two ODEs separately. In Case II, dsolve solves them together, but only if I define a constant. In Case III the constant is not defined. dsolve never returns, and I have to hit the stop sign. The question I have: Is there a consistent method to the failure so that I can avoid the problem in the future with other ODEs?


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