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4 years, 335 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by AHSAN

Hi everyone, Is it possible to extract data by using Maple from any figure published by any author in different papers and then ussed that to reprouced same graph in Maple?

Hi everyone, I am trying to draw bar graph for my expression, but received error. Could anyone please help me in this regard.


Hi Everyone; I have plotted two different expressions separately and then shown them in a single graph. From the final display, we can observe that the peak of one expression, A is larger than that of another expression B. Now, the question is, how do I calculate the decrease or increase in the percentage of both curves? This means the peak of expression A is 20%, 8%, or 7% decreases or increases as of expression A.


more explanation, each curve has its maximum point at some value of x, need to calculate that point for each curve. Then, we combined all curves we observed that the peak of each curve is smaller than others, so I am interested to observing that difference in percentage at the maximum value of x.

for reference, I uploading a file of which idea I want to implement for my problem. This is not my problem, but I want to implement it like this.


Hi senior, i am trying to customize the range for horizontal axis means in my case y axis but got error, also trying to give different color for outcomes. Please help in this regards.


Hello, everyone. I have plotted a simple equation and now have the following observation regarding it.

1- How to change or control axis style mean style like bold, colour change etc?

2-  How to change or control the font, colour and style of numbers written automatically by maple while plotting on the axis (x-axis, y-axis)?

3- How to change the font, style and colours of labels?

The problem I am facing is that whenever I save or import any graph as png or jpeg and then paste it into MS word, it's quality or pixel changes and it looks very bad. is there any way to save and paste good-quality pictures into documents that means DPI?


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