
524 Reputation

18 Badges

15 years, 235 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Alger

Hi all,

I write this code with some matricial calculations.

There are two important parameters N and Digits (in red in the code).

For N=8, I can do the calculation with Digits=10. For N=10, to get the results (without overflow), I should give Digits=30.

I want to do the calculation for N=100 and higher.

I do not know how to do this. I have a PC with 4G of RAM.

Thank you


Hi all,

I have this matrix for example:

A := <<1,2>|<3,4>>;

How to determine: 2^A

Thank you

Dear all,

I have one probem in using Maple in comparison with Matlab.

Generally, when using Matlab, I write a long program with 500 lines (for example) and where I use some matricial calculations and other. When I want to repeat this program for some parameters (variables) many times, I transform the program to a procedure "Function" with just adding the command Function in the start of the program.

When using Maple, I have a difficulty to transform a long program which I want to repeat for some variables to a procedure "proc". The program uses packages like LinearAlgebra and other procedures.

Is there a simple way to transform a long Maple program to a procedure which should be repeated many times for some variables in Maple. 

I have especially problems with the commands local, global, use (for packages), etc.. and the warning related to the variables. It is not easy for a long program with many variables to write them in local or global variables.

Thank you.

Dear all,

I want to plot for example cos(theta) from 0 to 2*Pi inside a circle at a radius R. The axis theta of the ploted function is at a radius R.

Is it possible ?


Dear all,

Is there a Maple command to get ColumnGraph in 3D as bar3 in Matlab.

In 2D, I use:

Statistics[ColumnGraph](A);  # equivalent to bar(A) in Matlab


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