
860 Reputation

11 Badges

5 years, 147 days

MaplePrimes Activity

These are questions asked by Anthrazit

Any idea how I catch that error?

(in geometry:-DefinedAs) wrong type of argument |C:/Users/andreas/AppData/Local/Temp/com.maplesoft/NODELibrary-0dc05fe4-0ffc9cfc/lib/NODEFunctions-13751:1976|

Here's the code:

        a := map(coordinates, DefinedAs(segm))[1];
        b := map(coordinates, DefinedAs(segm))[2];
    catch "wrong type of arguments":
        Alert(cat("Error, (in geometry:-DefinedAs) wrong type of arguments, variable segm: ", whattype(segm), segm), table(), 5)
    end try;

I am trying to put an annotation  (dimension of a distance) into a plot.

Any hints about what would the best way to do that?

Apparently functions working on lines do not work on segments.

I can't see any logical explanation why that should be so.

Please consider expanding functionality in future Maple versions.

Why is a change in the text area component triggering an action three times in a row?


Is there any setting that controls the extent of a plot?

Left hand plot has defined extent of the plot, while the plot on the right hand side has not. When panning the graphics on the right side the plot is clipped.

Any idea how to make Maple to use the whole extent of the plot component as a boundary?


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