Maple Questions and Posts

These are Posts and Questions associated with the product, Maple

I have this formula:g:=Sum(Sum(Sum(n!/m!/j!/k!*(1+p/20-c-h)^m*(h-p/20)^j*c^k*( j*(w+r*p)+Sum( k!/(k-l)!/l!*(c+h-p/20)^l*(1+p/20-c-h)^(k-l)*( (k-l)*(w+r*p)+l*(w+r*p)*X),l=0..k)),k=n-m-j..n-m-j),j=0..n-m),m=0..n);

which I realized was silly after a few minutes of looking at it, that I should be able to reduce it to a double and triple sum instead of a triple and quadruple sum. However: when I got to reduce the triple to the double, with the formula


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I am trying to get the right eigenvectors of a matrix dFxdU (see file attached)

The first eigenvector is exactly what I expected (eqn 10.2), but the all the elements of eigenvector in eqn 10.4  is divided by a

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I have derived some eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in this maplesheet. But in the subsection "check to make sure

the right eigenvectors are correct" , Maple is not converting the value of lambdax[i]=u or u-c and hence it returns me an output

of the form :

I have been unable to get any sensible output from the SphericalY function in MAPLE 12. With the command:  testp:=SphericalY(1,0,phi,theta), for example, the output line is just the command line. The only input parameter list that seems to give anything else is (0,0,0,0), which gives testp=0.

Don Ritchie


I am trying to see that two square matrices are same or not in Maple. So I am subtracting one from other and expecting to see a 0 matrix of the same size.

But instead of returning a 0 matrix or some other result, it outputs a string "ee". Does

anyone know what "ee" means?



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I am trying to calculate the eigenvalues of the matrix dFxdU (see file attached) and Maple is giving me the message

"Error, (in content/polynom) general case of floats not handled"

This is weird as dFxdU is just a simplified form of dFdU derived earlier in the maplesheet and when I try to

get the eigenvalues of dFdU, it does it fine.

how can we ask maple to assign output of a "solve" command to it's unknown parameter that system solves it, not just displaying it,

and then sorts the answer in terms of one of the indice parameters.

Hi, I am developing a code with maple, summing up some elements of a 4th-order matrix like this for i to 3 do for j to 3 do for k to 3 do for l to 3 do S[i, j, k, l] := delta[i, j] + delta[k, l] end do end do end do end do; sum(sum('S[1, 1, k, l]*A[k, l]', 'l' = 1 .. 3), 'k' = 1 .. 3); But after execution, I get this error: Error, (in tools/add) bad index into Matrix "A" and "delta" are 3 by 3 matrices. Please help me come up with a solution. Thanx,

How can I Reverse a Fibonacci number and find the numbers between a range 20 and 20000 tia sal2

Greetings All

I've been able to figure out how to get the next fibonacci number in a
sequence given just one number using the floor command see below

x := 987.23

What I'm trying to figure out is:
1) floor doesn't take into account decimals and I would like to
2) I would like to be able to find the fibonacci numbers in reverse
between the range of 20 to 20,000

I am trying to model reflectivity data at a Mn-doped GaAs interface and hence I need to create a Kramers-Kronig Transform to determine the depth-dependent complex value of the index of refraction at specific beam energies.  The integral I am trying to solve is the following:
f[1](omega) = P(2/(Pi)*(∫)[0]^(infinity)(u*f[2](u))/(u^(2) - omega^(2))du),

I want to shade the region bounded by the curves x^2 and x^3 from x=0..1. Could you please help me with this. Thanks in advance!!

I am using Maple 13 for applications of Integratin. I want to plot region bounded by y=x^2 and line x=1. How can I do this in Maple? Thanks in advance!!



we know that:

X(n+1) =Xn - f(x_n)/f^\prime(x_n)

Now I am using the following commands for showing the 2nd order convergence of the above method:

> restart;
> f(a) :=0: 
> A := taylor(f(x), x = a, 4);
> B := taylor((D(f))(x), x = a, 4);
> C := series(e[n]-A/(D(f))(x), x = a, 3);
> simplify(subs(x-a = e[n], %));

it does not cancel e_n

I know there must be a better way of doint it. Can you please tell me?



I am a sheer beginner of Maple and have a very basic question. I want to poste a question on this board. But before that, I can not find a way to copy and paste the Maple command into this question form. Maple command can be copied into Microsoft Word as rich text, but that can not be copied into this question form. Could somebody tell me how to do it?


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