Unanswered Questions

This page lists MaplePrimes questions that have not yet received an answer

i want construct a series trail function for all pdf not just this one but this is a easy one, also after replacing the function How i can collect variable and make algebraic system for finding the constant of series function like a[20],a[10],a[00]. where i is number of derivative by x and n is number of derivative by t also n=0 and m=2 







`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`


declare(u(x, t))

u(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*u


declare(w(x, t))

w(x, t)*`will now be displayed as`*w


pde := diff(u(x, t), t)+u(x, t)*(diff(u(x, t), x))+delta*(diff(u(x, t), `$`(x, 3))) = 0

diff(u(x, t), t)+u(x, t)*(diff(u(x, t), x))+delta*(diff(diff(diff(u(x, t), x), x), x)) = 0



K := u(x, t) = a[20]*(diff(ln(w(x, t)), `$`(x, 2)))+a[10]*(diff(ln(w(x, t)), x))+a[0]

u(x, t) = a[20]*((diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))/w(x, t)-(diff(w(x, t), x))^2/w(x, t)^2)+a[10]*(diff(w(x, t), x))/w(x, t)+a[0]


K1 := normal(eval(pde, K))

(w(x, t)^4*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*a[0]*a[10]+w(x, t)^4*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[0]*a[20]+w(x, t)^4*(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]+w(x, t)^4*(diff(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x), x))*delta*a[10]-3*w(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*delta*a[10]+w(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*a[10]*a[20]+w(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))*a[10]^2+w(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[20]^2-w(x, t)^3*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*a[0]*a[10]-3*w(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))*a[20]^2+2*w(x, t)^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*a[0]*a[20]-w(x, t)^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[20]^2+5*w(x, t)*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*a[20]^2-6*w(x, t)*(diff(w(x, t), x))^4*delta*a[10]+3*w(x, t)*(diff(w(x, t), x))^4*a[10]*a[20]-w(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), t))*a[20]-a[10]*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(w(x, t), t))*w(x, t)^3-2*w(x, t)^3*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(w(x, t), t), x))*a[20]+2*w(x, t)^2*(diff(w(x, t), t))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*a[20]-3*w(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))*a[0]*a[20]-10*w(x, t)^3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]-4*w(x, t)^3*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*delta*a[10]+w(x, t)^3*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[10]*a[20]-5*w(x, t)^3*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]+30*w(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))*delta*a[20]+12*w(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*delta*a[10]-5*w(x, t)^2*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*a[10]*a[20]+20*w(x, t)^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]-60*w(x, t)*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*delta*a[20]-w(x, t)^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*a[10]^2+24*(diff(w(x, t), x))^5*delta*a[20]+(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), t), x), x))*w(x, t)^4*a[20]+a[10]*(diff(diff(w(x, t), t), x))*w(x, t)^4-2*(diff(w(x, t), x))^5*a[20]^2)/w(x, t)^5 = 0


K2 := expand(%)

(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*a[0]*a[10]/w(x, t)+(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[0]*a[20]/w(x, t)+(diff(diff(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]/w(x, t)+(diff(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x), x))*delta*a[10]/w(x, t)-3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*delta*a[10]/w(x, t)^2+(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*a[10]*a[20]/w(x, t)^2+(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))*a[10]^2/w(x, t)^2+(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[20]^2/w(x, t)^2-(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*a[0]*a[10]/w(x, t)^2-3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))*a[20]^2/w(x, t)^3+2*(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*a[0]*a[20]/w(x, t)^3-(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[20]^2/w(x, t)^3+5*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*a[20]^2/w(x, t)^4-6*(diff(w(x, t), x))^4*delta*a[10]/w(x, t)^4+3*(diff(w(x, t), x))^4*a[10]*a[20]/w(x, t)^4-(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), t))*a[20]/w(x, t)^2-a[10]*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(w(x, t), t))/w(x, t)^2-2*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(w(x, t), t), x))*a[20]/w(x, t)^2+2*(diff(w(x, t), t))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*a[20]/w(x, t)^3+24*(diff(w(x, t), x))^5*delta*a[20]/w(x, t)^5+20*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]/w(x, t)^3-60*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*delta*a[20]/w(x, t)^4-3*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))*a[0]*a[20]/w(x, t)^2-10*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]/w(x, t)^2-4*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*delta*a[10]/w(x, t)^2+(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x))*a[10]*a[20]/w(x, t)^2-5*(diff(w(x, t), x))*(diff(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x), x), x))*delta*a[20]/w(x, t)^2+30*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))^2*(diff(w(x, t), x))*delta*a[20]/w(x, t)^3+12*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*delta*a[10]/w(x, t)^3-5*(diff(diff(w(x, t), x), x))*(diff(w(x, t), x))^2*a[10]*a[20]/w(x, t)^3-(diff(w(x, t), x))^3*a[10]^2/w(x, t)^3+(diff(diff(diff(w(x, t), t), x), x))*a[20]/w(x, t)+a[10]*(diff(diff(w(x, t), t), x))/w(x, t)-2*(diff(w(x, t), x))^5*a[20]^2/w(x, t)^5 = 0



Download series-finding.mw

I am translating some expressions from Maple to Python (actually to sympy, but Maple only does Python).

These are already written in Maple. Some has gamma in them (since this is how they are originally).

In Maple, I use local gamma to be able to use gamma as symbol.

This works fine Maple. But when I translate the expression to Python, CodeGeneration:-Python ignores the local gamma settings, and returns 0.5772156649e0 as tranaslation in the string.

For now, I use StringTools:-SubstituteAll to replace "0.5772156649e0" back to "gamma" which I do not like.

Is there a way to tell CodeGeneration:-Python that any gamma in Maple expression is symbol? Why does it ignore the local gamma settings? 

I have not looked at all options yet in CodeGeneration as I just started using it. Thought to ask if someone knows workaround for this other than what I am doing now.

ps. another annoying thing I found, is that Maple returns the expression string with "\n" added. So I have to also remove that. Not big deal, but wish I know why it does that, as there is no new line in the input.


local gamma;


r:=CodeGeneration:-Python( x+gamma,output=string,deducetypes = false);

"cg0 = x + 0.5772156649e0


"cg0 = x + gamma



Download gamma_problem.mw

I need to find parameter a[12] any one have any vision for finding parameter  , in p2a must contain 3 exponential but we recieve 19 of them which is something i think it is trail function but trail is give me result so must be a way for finding parameter 


the function is true but i want to be sure when i use pdetest must give me zero, but there must be a way for checking such function, please if your pc not strong don't click the command pdetest, i want use explore for such function but i am not sure it work or not, becuase the graph are a little bit strange  and long , i want  a way for easy plotting and visualization of such graph , can anyone help for solve this issue?


i don't know how apply conversation language to matlab in righ hand side  don't show up to do conversation language for short is come up but for this not 


K := (2*(k[1]*exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1])+((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[2])^2)*(k[1]+k[2])*exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1]+(3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2])/((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[2])^2)+k[2]*exp((3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2])+((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]-k[3])^2)*(k[2]+k[3])*exp((3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2]+(3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3])/((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]+k[3])^2)+((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[2])^2)*((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[3])^2)*((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]-k[3])^2)*(k[1]+k[2]+k[3])*exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1]+(3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2]+(3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3])/(((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[2])^2)*((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[3])^2)*((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]+k[3])^2))+((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[3])^2)*(k[1]+k[3])*exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1]+(3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3])/((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[3])^2)+k[3]*exp((3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3])))/(1+exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1])+((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[2])^2)*exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1]+(3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2])/((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[2])^2)+exp((3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2])+((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]-k[3])^2)*exp((3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2]+(3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3])/((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]+k[3])^2)+((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[2])^2)*((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[3])^2)*((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]-k[3])^2)*exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1]+(3/4)*k[2]*t*alpha*p[2]^2+(1/4)*t*k[2]^3+k[2]*p[2]*y+k[2]*x+k[2]*z+eta[2]+(3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3])/(((p[1]-p[2])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[2])^2)*((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[3])^2)*((p[2]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[2]+k[3])^2))+((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]-k[3])^2)*exp((3/4)*k[1]*t*alpha*p[1]^2+(1/4)*t*k[1]^3+k[1]*p[1]*y+k[1]*x+k[1]*z+eta[1]+(3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3])/((p[1]-p[3])^2*alpha-(k[1]+k[3])^2)+exp((3/4)*k[3]*t*alpha*p[3]^2+(1/4)*t*k[3]^3+k[3]*p[3]*y+k[3]*x+k[3]*z+eta[3]))




Download convert-to-matlab.mw

I have plotted a 3D figure by maple 2023. but all numbers and units on axes are seen a black boxes. How can fix this problem?

Dear Maple Community,

I come to you with a question about the reduced involutive form (rif) package. Namely, I decided to try the classic example from the "LONG GUIDE TO THE STANDARD FORM PACKAGE", which dates back to 1993. Here is the link to the complete documentation:


So, the example is the following:



Consider the system of nonlinear PDEs:       

y Zxxx - x Zxyy  =  Zyy - y Zy

                        2     2    2
2 y x Zxxx Zxyy + x Zxxx + x y Zxyy  =  0

                  2    2
y Zxyy - x W + 2 x  y Z  =  0

                 2    2
Zyy - y Zy  + 2 x  y W  =  x W

where the dependent variables W and Z are functions of the
independent variables x and y, and Zxxx denotes the third partial
derivative of Z with respect to x etc.

After making computations back in 1993 with Maple V, they obtain the following involutive form:

In our original notation the (considerably) simplified system is:
  Zxxx = 0, Zxy = 0, Zyy = y Zy, W = 2 x y Z

So, I tried the same system of PDEs in the modern Maple and the modern rifsimp() command. You can find the result below:


The problem is that nowadays [Maple 2022.1] , I get only the trivial solution: z = 0 and w = 0.

Could someone clarify, please, where the truth is and what am I doing wrong?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help and clarification!

Best regards,

Dr. Denys D.



PDE1 := y*diff(z(x,y), x$3) - x*diff(z(x,y),x,y$2) = diff(z(x,y),y$2) - y*diff(z(x,y), y);

y*(diff(diff(diff(z(x, y), x), x), x))-x*(diff(diff(diff(z(x, y), x), y), y)) = diff(diff(z(x, y), y), y)-y*(diff(z(x, y), y))


PDE2 := 2*x*y*diff(z(x,y),x$3)*diff(z(x,y),x,y$2) + x*(diff(z(x,y),x$3))^2 + x*y^2*(diff(z(x,y),x,y$2))^2 = 0;

2*x*y*(diff(diff(diff(z(x, y), x), x), x))*(diff(diff(diff(z(x, y), x), y), y))+x*(diff(diff(diff(z(x, y), x), x), x))^2+x*y^2*(diff(diff(diff(z(x, y), x), y), y))^2 = 0


PDE3 := y*diff(z(x,y),x,y$2) - x*w(x,y) + 2*x^2*y*z(x,y)^2 = 0;

y*(diff(diff(diff(z(x, y), x), y), y))-x*w(x, y)+2*x^2*y*z(x, y)^2 = 0


PDE4 := diff(z(x,y), y$2) - y*diff(z(x,y),y) + 2*x^2*y*w(x,y)^2 = x*w(x,y);

diff(diff(z(x, y), y), y)-y*(diff(z(x, y), y))+2*x^2*y*w(x, y)^2 = x*w(x, y)


sys := [PDE1, PDE2, PDE3, PDE4]:

rif := rifsimp(sys, [[w], [z]], indep = [x,y]);

table( [( Case ) = [[z(x, y)*(8*z(x, y)^2*y^2*x^2-1) = 0, diff(z(x, y), x), "false split"]], ( Solved ) = [w(x, y) = 0, z(x, y) = 0] ] )



Which version of Maple contains its most optimal and elegant coding, regardless of utility,  and was it the product of someone's direct creative input (not auto-coded with AI for example).

As an aside, there's a spelling mistake in the word "separate" below within the "Tags" instruction:

"Tags are words are used to describe and categorize your content. Combine multiple words with dashes(-), and seperate tags with spaces."


I have updated to maple 2024 on both my desktop and my laptop, and now I am missing the feature "Convert Output Units:" in the context tab on my windows 11 laptop. It's still available on my windows 10 desktop.

I have tried reinstalling maple and installing java, but it unfortunately did not help. Due to limited school licences, I am unable to test with maple 2023.

Is this an issue you have heard of?

Thank you in advance,



And here is the context menu on windows 11. Also nothing happens when I click "Format -> Convert Output Units" in the top menu. 


Hello, i have been drawing some cool 3d plots for my assignment, but when i use the export button and export it as pdf the plots turn out very low quality. 

See the image below is using the export function

Then i tried something different i tried using the print button and printing to a pdf.

That resulted in a different looking plot

This plot using the print to pdf feature looks much nicer, but the 3d text plot has become impossible to read.


Is there a way to fix that? Or to make the export to pdf feature export at higher quality? 

Best Regards

local a,b,c,A,B,C,Oo,P,NorA,NorB,NorC,lieu,Lieu,dr,tx:
uses plots, geometry;
a := 11:b := 7:
c := sqrt(a^2 - b^2):

point(A, a*cos(t), b*sin(t)):
point(B, a*cos(t + 2/3*Pi), b*sin(t + 2/3*Pi)):
point(C, a*cos(t + 4/3*Pi), b*sin(t + 4/3*Pi)):
Lieu := implicitplot(lieu, x = -a .. a, y = -b .. b, color = green):

line(NorA, y-coordinates(A)[2] =((a^2*coordinates(A)[2])/(b^2*coordinates(A)[1]))*(x-coordinates(A)[1]),[x, y]):
line(NorB, y-coordinates(B)[2] =((a^2*coordinates(B)[2])/(b^2*coordinates(B)[1]))*(x-coordinates(B)[1]), [x, y]):
line(NorC, y-coordinates(C)[2] =((a^2*coordinates(C)[2])/(b^2*coordinates(C)[1]))*(x-coordinates(C)[1]),[x, y]):

ellipse(p, x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 - 1, [x, y]);

tx := textplot([[coordinates(A1)[], "A"],[coordinates(A2)[], "B"], [coordinates(C)[], "C"], [coordinates(Oo)[], "O"],#[coordinates(P)[], "P"]], font = [times, bold, 16], align = [above, left]):
dr := draw([p(color = blue),NorA(color=red,NorB(color=red),NorC(color=red),p(color=blue),
Oo(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8), P(color = black, symbol = solidcircle, symbolsize = 8)]):
display(dr,tx,Lieu,scaling=constrained, axes=none,title = "Les triangles inscrits dans une ellipse ont leur centre de gravité en son centre . Lieu du point de concours des perpendicalaires issues des sommets", titlefont = [HELVETICA, 14]);

Error, `:=` unexpected
plots:-animate(Fig, [t], t=0.1..2*Pi, frames=150);

Recently, Maple has become almost unuseable. Whatever I do, it suddenly becomes non-reponsive, the cursor stops blipping and nothing happens for about a minute, although I can still move the cursor around and the page slider works, suggesting that the kernel has gone mad.

Then suddenly it comes back to life, executes where it left off, which in most cases happens while I am typing input. A minute later it's back to sleep. When I look at the CPU usage while it is non-responsive, I can see CPU usage is about 30% (there is nothing else significant running), disk usage is about 1% and there is plenty of memory (everything in total wants about 10GB and I have 32GB).

I have the -nocloud parameter set and finally disconnected the network connection, but that didn't help.

It all seems to have started with the most recent upgrade, although I'm not 100% sure of that.

Is anyone else seeing something like this, or better yet, does anyone have a suggestion to make this behaviour stop?

How does one downgrade to 2024.1?

Thank you.

the second ode is giving me zero also when we back to orginal under the condition by using them must the orginal ode be zero but i don't know where is mistake , when Orginal paper use some thing different but i think they must have same results i don't know i use them wrong i am not sure at here just , when U(xi)=y(z) in my mw





`There is no more prime differentiation variable; all derivatives will be displayed as indexed functions`



G := V(xi) = RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*B[1]+B[1]*(exp(xi)+exp(-xi))/(exp(xi)-exp(-xi))

V(xi) = RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*B[1]+B[1]*(exp(xi)+exp(-xi))/(exp(xi)-exp(-xi))



p := 2*k



ode := I*(-(diff(U(xi), xi))*p*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))-I*U(xi)*w*exp(I*(k*x-t*w)))+(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))-U(xi)*k^2*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+eta*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+beta*U(xi)^n*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+gamma*U(xi)^(2*n)*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+delta*U(xi)^(3*n)*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+lambda*U(xi)^(4*n)*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w)) = 0

I*(-2*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))-I*U(xi)*w*exp(I*(k*x-t*w)))+(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))-U(xi)*k^2*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+eta*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+beta*U(xi)^n*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+gamma*U(xi)^(2*n)*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+delta*U(xi)^(3*n)*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+lambda*U(xi)^(4*n)*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w)) = 0


case1 := [beta = 2*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*(n+2)/(B[1]*n^2), delta = 2*B[1]*(RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)+1)*(3*n+2)/(3*n^2), eta = (k^2*n^2*B[1]^2-n^2*w*B[1]^2-1)/(n^2*B[1]^2), gamma = -6*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*(n+1)/n^2, lambda = B[1]^2*(3*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)-7)*(2*n+1)/(9*n^2), A[0] = RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*B[1], A[1] = 0, B[1] = B[1]]

[beta = 2*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*(n+2)/(B[1]*n^2), delta = (2/3)*B[1]*(RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)+1)*(3*n+2)/n^2, eta = (k^2*n^2*B[1]^2-n^2*w*B[1]^2-1)/(n^2*B[1]^2), gamma = -6*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*(n+1)/n^2, lambda = (1/9)*B[1]^2*(3*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)-7)*(2*n+1)/n^2, A[0] = RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*B[1], A[1] = 0, B[1] = B[1]]


n := 1



G := U(xi) = (B[1]*(RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)+coth(xi)))^(-1/n)

U(xi) = 1/(B[1]*(RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)+coth(xi)))


pde3 := eval(ode, case1)

I*(-2*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))-I*U(xi)*w*exp(I*(k*x-t*w)))+(diff(diff(U(xi), xi), xi))*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+(2*I)*(diff(U(xi), xi))*k*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))-U(xi)*k^2*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+(k^2*B[1]^2-w*B[1]^2-1)*U(xi)*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))/B[1]^2+6*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*U(xi)^2*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))/B[1]-12*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)*U(xi)^3*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+(10/3)*B[1]*(RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)+1)*U(xi)^4*exp(I*(k*x-t*w))+(1/3)*B[1]^2*(3*RootOf(3*_Z^2-3*_Z-1)-7)*U(xi)^5*exp(I*(k*x-t*w)) = 0


odetest(eval(G, case1), pde3)






Download ode.mw

this is my first time something like that   coming up my equation after taking integral exponential coming up why?


Do you think the result of String(0.016)  should be "0.016"  instead of ".16e-1" ?

Any reason why it gives the second form and not the first?  Now have to keep using sprintf to force formating as decimal point. Is this documented somewhere? quick search did not find anything do far.

Maple 2024.2 on windows.



z:= :-parse(s);








Download string_of_decimal_number.mw

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