MaplePrimes Suggestions

Have a problem with MaplePrimes? Want to suggest a possible improvement to the site? Please post it here.

Recently this site became very slow. It takes a few minutes to get a page after clicking on a link. Search is very slow as well. Sometimes I couldn't get the resulting page at all - for example, searching for "digits".


I always have problems to simplify some complicated expressions to simpler ones. Here is an example of those: > A := exp(w*a)*w^2*epsilon1*epsilon2+exp(w*a)*w*epsilon1*s2-exp(-w*a)*w^2*epsilon1*epsilon2+w*s2*epsilon1*exp(-w*a)+exp(-w*a)*s1*epsilon2*w-s2*s1*exp(-w*a)+s1*exp(w*a)*epsilon2*w+s1*exp(w*a)*s2; > B := (w*epsilon1*((1+exp(2*w*a))*s2+(-1+exp(2*w*a))*w*epsilon2)+s1*((-1+exp(2*w*a))*s2+(1+exp(2*w*a))*w*epsilon2))*exp(-w*a); > simplify(A-B); 0
I got some expression but do not know how to get the simplest form by using simplify > C := -(1/2)*exp(-I*omega0*t)+(1/2)*exp((-beta-I*omega0-I*alpha)*t); > Csq := evalc(conjugate(C)*C); > simplify(Csq); -(1/2)*cos(omega0*t)*exp(-t*beta)*cos(omega0*t+t*alpha)+1/4-(1/2)*sin(omega0*t)*exp(-t*beta)*sin(omega0*t+t*alpha)+(1/4)*exp(-2*t*beta) which obviously should be equal to 1/4*(1+exp(-2*t*beta)-2*exp(-t*beta)*cos(t*alpha)). How can I get this form using Maple?

When I entered the following code I got the error "Warning, solutions may have been lost" I would like to know how to get rid of the warning. I also want to know the solutions found for x and n. How can I get them to be displayed?













I got two expressions which in essential are the same. But The maple can not give the answer 0 when I did the subtraction btw them. What is the problem here? Or I need to use some other commands?
I tried to get the inverse of a 36 by 36 square Matrix, but some time after the evaluation O got the following message: Kernel connection has been lost. The kernel returned the following error message: Execution stopped: Memory allocation failed. Please see >alloc for more detail. You should save the worksheet and restart Maple. Executing commands in Maple requires a connection to the Maple kernel. So what is the problem here. P.S. These are the input of the Matrix > C := Matrix(36, 36); B := Vector(36);

Is there a "getting started with mapleprimes" message somewhere?

I usually post very silly messages that require no formatting whatever, but lately I've been trying to post maple output, pictures, and so on. I see these great posts with all this great stuff inserted, so I know it's possible to do all that. I'd like to learn how to do it too. I have managed to find the (I guess you would call it) "mapleprimes uploader", thanks to google, and I have also managed to upload files there, as the instructions on that page are very clear.

I just read Paul Weiss' post in which he describes his troubles uploading files to MaplePrimes.

Earlier yesterday (19 Nov 2008) I experienced a similar problem when I was trying to upload a GIF file to include with one of my posts.

In my case, after I selected the file I wanted to upload, I was showed an earlier file that I had uploaded to MaplePrimes. Based on what I see in Paul's earlier post it appears as though he was trying to upload two files and the second file was really just a duplicate of the first one.

what is the perometer of sa rectangle if the length is 7/10cm and th width is 1/10cm?

How do I send a message to the author of an entry?  Presumably I can click the "Send message" link in the Navigation pane on the left side of this website, however, doing so means that I have to first figure out what the "handle" is for the person I want to contact.  Previously there was a "send message to author", or something equivalent, link in each of the posts; has that gone away?

How many arrangements of the word GELATINOUS are possible if the vowels must always be in alphabetical order?

Could MaplePrimes be made a little more robust?  It seems that roughly once a month I get a Drupal error all weekend instead of access to MaplePrimes.  I frequently have more time on the weekend to answer some questions, so it is the community that loses when the site is down... 

This has now happened frequently enough that clearly there is a systemic problem in the infrastructure, and it would be nice to know that it is being investigated and fixed.

Dear forum,

 I am working with maple 6. I have type the lines below :

> restart:readlib(ztrans):
> ztrans(Delta(t),t,z);

                           ztrans(Δ(t), t, z)                 ( this is the reslut)

> ztrans(Step(n),n,z);

Following worse-than-good advice can lead to loss of time and to greater misunderstanding. I have noticed, over the past year, a growing proportion of suboptimal responses and advice on the mapleprimes forums.

There are still many fine responses, but slightly incorrect or inefficient (and sometimes outright wrong) responses seem to have been growing as a proportion of the whole. This is probably natural, as the mapleprimes site grows. But some of the ensuing bad effects of it could be avoided.

It would be nice to have a link to Recent posts off the main mapleprimes page that guests see (ie. even when not logged in).

It'd be a pity if the only reason that this is not available is just so that page can show how many new (unread by logged-in user) posts there are in each thread.


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